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Questions about the medical system since 1.0

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Hey guys,

I have a question for you.

Since the 1.0 I am not up to date with the medical stuff. Would be nice if you could tell something about morphine and especially to the diseases.

Which diseases are there ?

What effects do you have ?

How can you treat / heal ?

I know that there is a lot on DayZ Wiki about this topic but unfortunately I think it's not very up to date. For example, there is that you will not get sick from water pumps but since the 1.0

I am directly ill when I drink from a pump.

Would be nice if you could help me


Kind regards



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42 minutes ago, F.A.Miller said:

Which diseases are there ?

What effects do you have ?

How can you treat / heal ?

On 1.0 you can get sick from Salmonella (I think it is) the way to get rid of it on 1.0+ is to use Tetracycline tablets found in hospitals. You get that sickness from drinking from dirty water, or drinking or eating with bloody hands. I think from eating rotten meat also.

The sickness makes your food and water drop a lot quicker than normally. *It will also make you throw up, losing food+water and giving away your location. I've also seen people cough before, which gives away your location as well.*


On 1.04 you can also cure this with Charcoal tablets, although they only give you a chance of curing the sickness. 

Straight from the DayZ 1.04 patchnotes: 

Added: Epinephrine restores the patients' stamina to the max value

Added: Codeine Pills mitigates the patients' injured state for a limited time

Added: Morphine suppresses the patients' injured state for a limited time

Added: Charcoal Tablets can eliminate Salmonella bacteria

Reminder: These updates ^ are not for 1.0.

Edited by justice5150
Added the content in between the *'s.
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I tried to treat the sickness but neither tetracyline nor charcoal helped but thanks anyway

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1 hour ago, F.A.Miller said:

Since the 1.0 I am not up to date with the medical stuff. Would be nice if you could tell something about morphine and especially to the diseases.

Which diseases are there ?

What effects do you have ?

How can you treat / heal ?

I know that there is a lot on DayZ Wiki about this topic but unfortunately I think it's not very up to date. For example, there is that you will not get sick from water pumps but since the 1.0

I am directly ill when I drink from a pump.

if you drink too fast/much from a well you will throw up. Its not an illness, you just have to slow your drinking down. Drink a bit, wait, drink some more etc

Human meat - brain disease - no cure

infected meat - salmonella, vomiting - charcoal tabs                   wear gloves or clean your hands

contaminated water - cholera, vomiting - tetracycline                                water can be purified with chlorine tabs

Infection  - bandage with dirty rags you will also get an infection - tetracycline  50% effective

Rags arent necessarily sterile, bandages should be. You can use the disinfectant or alcohol tincture now

Edited by aux7
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It would be great to have an up-to-date table of diseases, effects and treatment, but I'm afraid it all changes very quickly, i.e. within months, as the medical system is very much work in progress. I'll be open to help with much needed research on the medical system, but for now I just don't bother. But we can use this thread to post most recent findings or stuff like that.

For one, I didn't know that you can and should clean your rags now.

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