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(Recruiting) The Hellsing Organization

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Ill make sure the big man gets back to you.


Ha funny.

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Check contact form of your website.


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Aren't you guys on the CQF hit list?

Edited by Jehangir

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Hello Decks!

Im would like to know more about Hellsing before i apply :)

Would you give me a moment of your time ? Thank you in advance.

add me on skype: crewnielsen

- Austin

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Hello Decks!

Im would like to know more about Hellsing before i apply :)

Would you give me a moment of your time ? Thank you in advance.

add me on skype: crewnielsen

- Austin


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clean your inbox :)

Edited by fijey

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clean your inbox :)


Also emptied my inbox :)

Edited by djdecks2

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I would like to see how this game works with bigger group.

Since this doesn't bind me to be there always when online, i can also play with my friends from time to time too so...

Must be 18 or older.


Preferably EU/UK members but we may take International members too.


Must have their own supplies there wont be any handouts at the beginning.

Have different weapons for different situations. Ghillie, and some useful tools to survive out there :)

We do not accept any d/cs, hackers or server hoppers.

They get on my nerves too

Must have played the game preferably for atleast a month or for more than a week at the least.

around 2 weeks 10h a day? lost the track of time with this game

Must know the chernarus map and were the the main loots spots are.

I dunno about all of the deerstands but i do know my way around most of the cities and few stands here and there

Must have skype or teamspeak preferably both.

Have both

Edited by Tenkula

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I'm from NA.

Eastern time.

I'm 21.

Been playing for a month now.

I'm a good sniper. I like to shout at survivors telling them to drop to the ground, dropping their weapons and sing the alphabet backwards. I also love to bait snipers and other peoples to chase me/reveal their positions.

Knowledge of the Map: Master's degree level

Highest Murder count: 6

I have skype : stephen.chum09

Edited by chumdabum

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Must be 18 or older.


Preferably EU/UK members but we may take International members too.


Must have their own supplies there wont be any handouts at the beginning.

Almost full toolbelt(Missing Radio and Military Flash.) I have an AS50. M249 Saw. M9 Silenced Ghile Suit/NVG/Rangefinder.

We do not accept any d/cs, hackers or server hoppers.

All disgust me

Must have played the game preferably for atleast a month or for more than a week at the least.

2 and a half weeks

Must know the chernarus map and were the the main loots spots are.

I have extensive knowledge of the entirety of the map. I have also traveled around the map multiple times.

Must have skype or teamspeak preferably both.

Have both

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Must be 18 or older.

16, But i have a deep voice

Preferably EU/UK members but we may take International members too.


Must have their own supplies there wont be any handouts at the beginning.

I have food,drink, medical supplies, and a full tool belt(except for a radio), A M107, A M9SD, and a Bizon(willing to trade items for some more ammo for it).

We do not accept any d/cs, hackers or server hoppers.

I agree

Must have played the game preferably for atleast a month or for more than a week at the least.

About 3 weeks

Must know the chernarus map and were the the main loots spots are.

Have traveled throughout the entire map by foot and by vehicle many times.

Must have skype or teamspeak preferably both.

Both but i prefer Skype.(Skype Name is Sterling.Belleau)

Edited by Broncaholic
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When ever you seek more members, then do feel free to add me on skype. I prefer that you leave a message in the friend invitation that its you.

I believe that I will provide a decent player for you. - Any further information will be granted to you over skype.

- Mathias0612 for skype.

- Infamous

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Hey, add me , tyler.stiffl (skype) , im interested

( this forums is trolling me, its doubling some of my words.)

Edited by SkullCrackerr

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Must be 18 or older.

16, But i have a deep voice

Preferably EU/UK members but we may take International members too.


Must have their own supplies there wont be any handouts at the beginning.

I have food,drink, medical supplies, and a full tool belt(except for a radio), A M107, A M9SD, and a Bizon(willing to trade items for some more ammo for it).

We do not accept any d/cs, hackers or server hoppers.

I agree

Must have played the game preferably for atleast a month or for more than a week at the least.

About 3 weeks

Must know the chernarus map and were the the main loots spots are.

Have traveled throughout the entire map by foot and by vehicle many times.

Must have skype or teamspeak preferably both.

Both but i prefer Skype.(Skype Name is Sterling.Belleau)

18+ is the strict age requirements sorry.

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Hi, I'm very interested in joining. My SteamID is eliteVoid and so is my Skype.

Must be 18 or older.

I'm 19.

Preferably EU/UK members but we may take International members too.


Must have their own supplies there wont be any handouts at the beginning.

FN Fal with Makarov.

We do not accept any d/cs, hackers or server hoppers.

I don't do any of the those.

Must have played the game preferably for atleast a month or for more than a week at the least.

I've been playing for about 3 weeks now, just recently decided to join the community.

Must know the chernarus map and were the the main loots spots are.

Yes, I do.

Must have skype or teamspeak preferably both.

I have both of the programs.


I don't tend to play very late at night, but I'm active almost the entire day (10 am to about 10 or 11 pm), unless I have some minor appointments and such.



Edited by CamelCloud

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Hi, I'm very interested in joining. My SteamID is eliteVoid and so is my Skype.

Must be 18 or older.

I'm 19.

Preferably EU/UK members but we may take International members too.


Must have their own supplies there wont be any handouts at the beginning.

FN Fal with Makarov.

We do not accept any d/cs, hackers or server hoppers.

I don't do any of the those.

Must have played the game preferably for atleast a month or for more than a week at the least.

I've been playing for about 3 weeks now, just recently decided to join the community.

Must know the chernarus map and were the the main loots spots are.

Yes, I do.

Must have skype or teamspeak preferably both.

I have both of the programs.


I don't tend to play very late at night, but I'm active almost the entire day (10 am to about 10 or 11 pm), unless I have some minor appointments and such.



I think all spaces have been filled at the moment ill get back to you if there is any space available.

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Alright, no problem. Feel free to add me on Steam if some spaces get available.

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