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Anthony Graham

Killing players

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I don't fully understand why all the players feel you need to kill other players I thought this was a survival game to outlive the Apocalypse.totally under the impression that every human being that I meet will kill me and I'm not really afraid of the zombies I thought that the zombies were the enemy. The game could be so much cooler if everybody just stop being such a holes. I saved a man's life just for him to shoot me in the head as he's standing next to me having a conversation. Pretty effing rude. Why can't we all just get along.....

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  On 6/9/2019 at 3:07 AM, Anthony Graham said:

I don't fully understand why all the players feel you need to kill other players I thought this was a survival game to outlive the Apocalypse.totally under the impression that every human being that I meet will kill me and I'm not really afraid of the zombies I thought that the zombies were the enemy. The game could be so much cooler if everybody just stop being such a holes. I saved a man's life just for him to shoot me in the head as he's standing next to me having a conversation. Pretty effing rude. Why can't we all just get along.....

The majority of players are hostile. You’ll find ways to gauge trust as time goes on.. but don’t give up hope of finding friendlies.


When speaking to someone for the first time, try to put some kind of cover between you, like a wall. Dressing in civilian clothing, and keeping your gun on your back makes you seem less hostile, therefore, less likely to be shot on sight. If there are long gaps in people’s responses, there’s a good chance they are speaking to friends in party chat... for those guys, make your excuses and leave. In my experience, even if you’re friendly with the guy in front of you, it only takes 1 of his dick mates to kill you.


Also, if you find someone you think is friendly, try and help each other out, by trading, etc. Anything you can do to build trust, can help prevent you being killed.


Good luck out there!

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I don't get it too.. 

After hard work getting from coast, finding some food, plastic bottle and mosin with 4 rounds.. I got to some village, where was a guy.. So for first seconds he looks friendly.. He run behind the corner, let me think like he is on his way out.. But after that, he run toward me.. A start stabing me.. After few moments later he killed me.. For bottle of water and 4 rounds for mosin (which is common as fck) 


Or on the coast.. Saw 2 guys on coast, they run my direction. They were newbies, without gear.. I think what.. They fckcing fight me.. Don't get this.. I have nothing (I drink soda, eat pear).. 



Edited by TheDrifT3r_Cz
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  On 6/9/2019 at 6:08 AM, ThePugman said:

The majority of players are hostile. You’ll find ways to gauge trust as time goes on.. but don’t give up hope of finding friendlies.


When speaking to someone for the first time, try to put some kind of cover between you, like a wall. Dressing in civilian clothing, and keeping your gun on your back makes you seem less hostile, therefore, less likely to be shot on sight. If there are long gaps in people’s responses, there’s a good chance they are speaking to friends in party chat... for those guys, make your excuses and leave. In my experience, even if you’re friendly with the guy in front of you, it only takes 1 of his dick mates to kill you.


Also, if you find someone you think is friendly, try and help each other out, by trading, etc. Anything you can do to build trust, can help prevent you being killed.


Good luck out there!

Good advice here.

The fact that friendly encounters are few in between makes them much more exciting when they happen.

I would avoid groups of 3 or more entirely. Had one instance where I followed a guy into a wood line only to find another 7 guys standing around all in blue armbands. I slowly back stepped out of there as they were talking and made my way into town instead of rolling the dice with all of them. 

Shortly after I saw one of them looting near me. I said hello and that I was friendly from a concealed location. Three seconds later I see 5 more come running to him, guns drawn and a few aiming down the road and between houses. I snuck out of that town.

It all comes down to reading others and gauging their intentions the best you can before putting yourself at risk.

There’re other variables to like how geared they are (more to lose), where they are (mil bases are essentially PvP zones), etc.

You just never know who you might meet, could be a lifelong DayZ friend.

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  On 6/9/2019 at 7:27 PM, TheDrifT3r_Cz said:

Or on the coast.. Saw 2 guys on coast, they run my direction. They were newbies, without gear.. I think what.. They fckcing fight me.. Don't get this.. I have nothing (I drink soda, eat pear).. 


They might just practice fight and might be new to the game them self.

There are so many reasons why this things can happen that a NPC programer creating ingame player enemys could´nt even think about, because the ellement real human brains as being the ennemy, or friend, or both, brings a lot of variables.


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Have you not seen walking dead? It's the perfect example of what people would be like, some people will be bad, hell even Rick dipped his feet in doing bad stuff

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  On 6/13/2019 at 8:17 PM, CPUTestUnit said:


They might just practice fight and might be new to the game them self.

There are so many reasons why this things can happen that a NPC programer creating ingame player enemys could´nt even think about, because the ellement real human brains as being the ennemy, or friend, or both, brings a lot of variables.


Yeah, maybe they were just training.. But if you speak to them, tell them to stop, and their reaction was continue in fight.. So, maybe there is a problem in human kind.. I had nothing to loose, so I'm not complaining, but you know how it goes.. 

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'I also doubt there might be a hand full of Players (Maybe even more) playing the game without any head set plugged and maybe are not Abel or willing to answer...

Players even can be in the same room and would´nt have a need to speak ingame as being able to speak outgame. If you meet such they will possibly also not answer.


I bet a lot of attacks in this game from Players to Players are a result as Players want to Prevent to be attacked or surprised and because of that, they attack others on sight.


Oh and completly forgot, at PS4 most Players will use the PSN Chat. This Chat is priorised. So you see the Microphonesymbol ingame but you cant hear the other Player speaking at the ingame Chat and he dosent hear you.

So if you want to communicate with Players on the map who are not in your PSN chat, you need to leave the PSN Chat first to be able to do so. If they are in a PSN Chat they only will see you microphone Symbol. Thats it.


Edited by CPUTestUnit

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If you hold the middle ps button you can go to party on side menu and switch between party and game chat, bit of an inconvenience, would be so much better if there was a quicker way to switch between them. 

So you don't have to leave the party chat, but switch it to game chat in order to talk to and hear people in game. 

Edited by GkR86
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so far i've been killed once by zombies, starved to death once and shot in the back 4 times.  i have yet to meet someone who doesn't kill me.   they don't even say anything just BAM "you're dead".   

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Half the people I've got in my group now are people I've come across in game, just by asking if they need help 

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To be logical and fair.....its a survival game.....you cant trust everyone who isnt your friend whatsoever.

Me and my friends have learned this lesson......how? This video will explain and show WHY.



Backstory for all those people who assume we kidnap or etc.....

I was saved by two people (who became my friends) I was going to be killed for the fault of two other players and so they gave me not just weapons BUT food and water and build trust with me....so we go down to a small town because we seen a player run into the town and we wanted to be safe that they werent squaders or a threat and then we met BILKEENS.....a british guy who we helped on the way claiming his friend was killed near a car (he likely lied and killed a player.) And so we tried to go into shelter before night hit us and welp.....we found ourselves saving BILKEENS multiple times but we didnt make it to our assigned location and as the video shows He killed me and my friends when we were clearly being helpful, we didnt one threaten him or been hostile directly opposite.....this is why me and my friends kill anyone who has a gun and doesnt disarm themselves when we ask them to.

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I ran through zelenogorsk MB, when i came out of the last barrack i noticed the command center doors had been shut. I ran over and opened them (i knew there was a player) and side strafed, was met with a storm of bullets. He ran toward the door to try and get me, i put awhole fx mag in and around him. He fell down just inside the doors so i went in, closed the doors and saw that i could give cpr. He woke up and I gave him bandage and then continued to loot and kill zombies while he was struggling and trying to reload his weapon. 

Came back after 2-3 minutes and he had exit. 

Maybe next time he don’t shoot first and loot later. 

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 sometimes the own players fault for not realzing he's making the ppl he's with want to kill him by maybe talking too much or talking over others, being a know it all, or his over enthusiasm is annoying the others, he doesn't know how to open a can, his many jokes are not funny.  these are just some reasons why your squad would want to kill a nice player

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