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Franco Cliff


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You should have it where if you change server you spawn back on the beaches, but you still keep all your loot so there will be no player locked servers  this will help prevent players ghosting into other players bases, combat logging and server hoping for loot and maybe add some more spawn locations to help prevent spawn killing also.

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Nope just lock character to server. 


Solve the hopping problem and duping problem immediately.

All my friends play on the same.server so I have no reason to hop. If other friends did play elsewhere and I wanted to join them the annoyance of starting from scratch is greatly reduced knowing I won't have to deal with cancerous dupers or cry baby "boo hoo I want an m4/ak", server hopping pricks who could appear behind me in a barracks and shoot me in the back


Imagine how refreshing it would be?


Edited by awalsh47

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3 minutes ago, awalsh47 said:

Nope just lock character to server. Solve the hopping problem and duping problem immediately.

All my friends play on the same.server so I have no reason to hop. If other friends did play and I wanted to join them the annoyance of starting from scratch is greatly reduced knowing I won't have to deal with cancerous dupers or cry baby "boo hoo I want an m4/ak", server hopping pricks who could appear behind me in a barracks Imagine how refreshing it would be?

mmm would be nice, but unfortunately would only solve the server hopping. Which definitively would be a good thing.

Stopping Duping would be/is a far more complex problem, imho. But also definitively would be a good thing.

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I understand from youtube the dupers current duping methods entails changing servers so I think a character lock will fix this.

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17 minutes ago, awalsh47 said:

I understand from youtube the dupers current duping methods entails changing servers so I think a character lock will fix this.

from my experience unfortunately not

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