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Please take my money!

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So as I understand it, the developer of this mod doesn't want any money for his efforts, however I notice a number of people would like to donate to the project financially. So is there any way I can give to assist the games development? Perhaps if the developer doesn't want any money he could accept donations to maybe employ another developer? Surely there must be some way money could be used to benefit the game?? Maybe some of the money could be used to make this forum more stable at least? I'll be donating toward the cost of maintaining the game servers but I would like to be able to also help, even in a small way, toward development of the game.

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I hope there is a place we can donate to set up more servers at least, so people can use the money donated to set up new servers.

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Here is what I recommend. Save your money until someone officially announces a need for it OR officially announces the mod as available for Arma III and then buy that instead. rocket works for BI, buying BI games helps his paycheck too.

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ARMA III looks amazing with that engine, I really want to play the ARMA part as well. But, when one of the devs said they would also be looking to customize the area for DayZ (Limnos is rather a bit too bright and happy a place for DayZ imo) I couldn't believe how forward-sighted and generally awesome they were being.

DayZ standalone is a likely hood, but I am really hoping that if that is the case, they have the standalone, as well as a discounted version for those who already own Arma III.

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Most likely, rocket can't take cash because of his employment with BI. He might get into trouble if he accepts money for a mod he is developing, based on a game done by his current employer.

That being said, I'm definitely one of the people that would love to donate cash or equipment to this cause.

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If you are willing to help devs out so much just buy Arma2 CO copy and gift it to somebody,I bet that you have a friend who is interested/can be interested in it.

If all your friends are not into survival or gaming at all , gift it to a complete stranger who is random and awesome.I know for sure that I have a friend or 2 who love STALKER type of atmosphere and would like to play it if it wasnt so expensive...And Im random and maybe - who knows? - awesome.

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Damn great idea ComboBreaker ;)

If anyone needs a totally stranger to gift a Arma2 CO copy to, i would kindly offer myself ;)

For the last 2 weeks i followed this great mod and saw many many great videos.

Badly my budget for gaming is long gone, so i will have to wait until july to buy Arma2 CO to finally join the survivors.

Or should i wait until there is something like Arma III DayZ?

Great Mod!

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Okay... i didn't expected this ... THANKS!

As soon as i can get home and install ARMA II, i will do exactly that and hopefully live some time ;)

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If you are willing to help devs out so much just buy Arma2 CO copy and gift it to somebody' date='I bet that you have a friend who is interested/can be interested in it.


This is a very good idea.

Game Studios notice one thing... bottom line. You guys are sending a message loud and clear here about the future of modding. This is now becoming big news... not much DayZ as what message you guys are sending to the big studios.

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Well, about the gift stuff. I have ArmA 2 but not the OA.

I also have a friend who wants to try the mod, I think he saw atleast 5 hours of youtube gameplay. The problem is, I'm not buying the OA if he don't buy the CO, cuz we always play together. And right now, he doesn't have money for it.

I would appreciate a help, at least for one of us. Maybe if someone give him a CO copy, we could share the money for my OA copy.

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So if donations to rocket are out of the question, why couldn't we chip in or donate for a backup or another main server?

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So if donations to rocket are out of the question' date=' why couldn't we chip in or donate for a backup or another main server?


yes if it helps the waiting for server response crap id happily help too

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I found the only way to help the cause and donate was to donate hardware and my internet connection to hosting a server!

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I would love to help out in some way as well. This mod has HUGE(I need a bigger word than huge for this) potential. If donating server hardware/bandwidth or money for hosting will help, I would be more than willing.

This mod actually replaced an MMO I was playing. I could defiantly justify throwing $15 a month to DayZ JUST because of that. DayZ is in it's infancy still. For it to replace an MMO (SWTOR) that was in development for years, is huge considering DayZ is only going to expand and get much better in the near future.

I'm a Network Engineer, and a Server Engineer (Windows and Linux) and I also dabble in web development as well, so if any of my skills could help, I would gladly even donate time and skills. :)

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I'm new to the game (actually bought ARMA 2: CO w/ Dayz in mind, via r/gaming suggestion), but I've got an extra PC sitting around that could act as a server, if someone doesn't mind helping me w/ setup details. Stats below:

Core 2 Duo E8600 3.06Ghz


500GB HD

Kubuntu 12.04 LTS

50Mbps dn / 25Mbps up FIOS connection (very stable, nearly 100% uptime).

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Still nothing today' date=' too bad it looked like so many people were willing to donate money for Dayz but nobody wants to gift a CO copy for someone who can't buy it at that moment :( it would be the same thing as donating money since Rocket works for BI, let's still hope


Someone would probably be more apt to gift you the game if you weren't begging.

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Someone would probably be more apt to gift you the game if you weren't begging.

not begging, if that was the impression i'm very sorry but i was just trying to let people know that a gift would be really appreciated for someone who can't afford it currently, i edited all my replies if it looked like a beg and i'm sorry for it (english is not my main language sadly). can you edit the quote in your reply so i can ask a moderator to delete all of it?

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When I first saw this mod, I suspected at least on of the following were true:

1. This game has graphics like Half Life 1

2. Everyone who had ever played this game was dead, and that the forums were basically non existent, along with the servers (Since mods like Zombie Master and Zombie Panic Source had nonexistent forums/communities).

But after an indepth investigation of the game, I found it had graphics exceeding those of some popular games I happen to know. The team work and PvP aspect also really hooked me. The realism just shocked me. Pain? Vehicles? Eating? Blood loss? It was too good to be true, but it was. Alas, I do not have Arma 2 Combined Operations (I have neither Arma 2 nor Operation Arrowhead).

If some one gifted me Arma 2: CO, I would be very grateful!

I hope DayZ grows to be full grown game someday!

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