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Please take my money!

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I wish we could just spread the word to other players and get the community more involved. Any way we can help?

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I heard Rocket is considering making this a full-blown game in its own right? Anyone got a link to the thread?

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If you are willing to help devs out so much just buy Arma2 CO copy and gift it to somebody' date='I bet that you have a friend who is interested/can be interested in it.


This is a very good idea.

Game Studios notice one thing... bottom line. You guys are sending a message loud and clear here about the future of modding. This is now becoming big news... not much DayZ as what message you guys are sending to the big studios.

I am glad. I think there's a huge market for these games but many developers seem to be oblivious. You can also see that when they are all rushing to create an MMO.

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This mod rocks, and not just because it's awesome by itself, it's the community. You guys actually help each other! Wish i could afford buying CO. Now I'll have to wait at least a month. But this is going to be the most awesome month in my life. :D

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Any kind souls out there who would gift me Combined Operations? I don't have the money for it.

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So as I understand it' date=' the developer of this mod doesn't want any money for his efforts, however I notice a number of people would like to donate to the project financially. So is there any way I can give to assist the games development? Perhaps if the developer doesn't want any money he could accept donations to maybe employ another developer? Surely there must be some way money could be used to benefit the game?? Maybe some of the money could be used to make this forum more stable at least? I'll be donating toward the cost of maintaining the game servers but I would like to be able to also help, even in a small way, toward development of the game.


As Rocket wrote on BI frorums, if you want to support project - buy DLC "Private Military Company (PMC)" for A2 from BI store.

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