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Jonas Levin

Have anyone been driving the Olga yet?

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Me and a mate found the Olga yesterday.

After using some hours to collect all the stuff to get it started we tried to get it working, but we could not find the place to actually put oil into it (water and gas was no problem).

I could not pour water from my cooking pot into the radiator either, I had to pour it over into a bottle and then do it from that.

I went on reddit and searched, and some people claim that you can't put oil on it at all and that it drives without it as its bugged or it aint fully implemented on it yet.

So we decided to try driving it without the oil, and about a kilometer down the road the car was ruined.

We took a couple of shots _just_ as we drove away from the gas-station where we found it (that shit was tense lol) and I am not sure if it was some of the bullets that hit the car that made it go to a ruined state further down the road or if it was the lack of oil.

Any info would be appreciated, I still got all the parts (which still were pristine when I took them of the car) and I know the place of another Olga.

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olga definitely runs fine, me and squad have one up and running.. I've not personally put the oil in though so can't help you with that.. when our mechanic is next on I'll ask him and come back to you. 

as for water, use a Jerry can 🙂

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