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After being crushed while repairing a vehicle, I'm done.

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Because Arma2 has a terrible context menu system that is totally realistic and immersive, the only way I could get the repair fuel tank option to show up on the Ural that I had found and painstakingly shuttled parts to while dodging zombies and surviving bandit attacks was to crawl directly underneath the vehicle.

Not remembering that this would cause the vehicle to jump in a fit of joy, as all vehicles do when they are repaired, it lead to my death as 16 tons of soviet truck slammed down on my character with a joyful squeak from the suspension. So much for my M107, Bizon SD, NVGs, M136, and whatever else I had in the truck/on my body.

Glitchy physics, terrible AI (the zombies are pathetic), plus rampant hacking means I'm done with this mod for the foreseeable future. Pretty much the same reasons I stopped playing Arma 2 also, now that I think about it. (I've actually had an A-10 destroyed by its own missile clipping into the wing immediately as it launched).

Inb4 'its alpha' 'don't let the door hit you on the way out' and other cliche condescending comments. These are the same issues that prevent vanilla ARMA 2 from becoming a more widely played game. Glitchy physics, AI that flips between retarded and godlike (try ordering a squadron of tanks to do anything and watch the hilarity that ensues, or watch militia always hit the barrel of your tank with RPGs), and hackers. Its too bad because I really like the concept of this game.. ARMA 2 is just not a good platform to run it on.

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I got crushed by a bridge, killed by a door, killed from a 2 foot fall in a barn, RAN over by my friend who just walked into the side of me,etc..

But I still always end up coming back and having a blast.

If you are gone for good then thats to bad, but I have a feeling you will be back (;

Ive beeen pissed because of that kind of thing before but then I end up having a blast startign again from scratch.

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Inb4 'its alpha' 'don't let the door hit you on the way out' and other cliche condescending comments.

It's funny when someone already knows the reasons why their post is asinine and ridiculous before other people point it out.

Yes, these issues existed in ARMA 2, but they weren't as important as they are in DayZ because ARMA 2 is an instance-mission deathmatch game, not a persistent-world, permanent death game.

The same is true of hacks which, while annoying in ARMA 2, were not nearly as devastating to the community as they are in DayZ.

That changes priorities. Bugs and hacks that were not important in ARMA 2 are now important in DayZ and will be fixed. Incredibly, BIS has devoted engineers who would normally be working on ARMA 3 right now to fixing bugs in the ARMA 2 engine instead, explicitly because they value DayZ players and the contributions we have made to the company financially.

In summary: You're an impatient, entitled little turd and nobody's going to miss you. Get fucked.

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In summary: You're an impatient' date=' entitled little turd and nobody's going to miss you. Get fucked.


Thanks for the civil tone friend, I wish you luck in your online totally realistic zombie simulation with jumping vehicles, totally dangerous zombies, and dimension shifting snipers. Cheers mate!

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Thanks for the civil tone friend' date=' I wish you luck in your online totally realistic zombie simulation with jumping vehicles, totally dangerous zombies, and dimension shifting snipers. Cheers mate!


I spare civil tones for intelligent, mature adults.

You're a petulant, ungrateful ass who can't be bothered to think for 8 seconds about a situation before spouting your mental diarrhea all over everyone like you've got something important to say.

You paid $0 for DayZ yet BIS has highly-skilled, well-paid engineers working every day to improve your experience in this Alpha test. Engineers they could be using for ARMA 3, but are instead devoting to YOU and YOUR enjoyment of a free mod.

Yet, here you are; blah-blah-blah'ing and boo-hoo-hoo'ing on the forum like you've somehow been slighted by them and they owe you something.

I'll say it again, since it bears repeating: get fucked, twatsock.

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It's funny when someone already knows the reasons why their post is asinine and ridiculous before other people point it out.


In summary: You're an impatient' date=' entitled little turd and nobody's going to miss you. Get fucked.


My god. The irony. It's so thick, I can barely breathe.

SF-501 has had enough of dying through trial and error while trying to improve his experience of the game. He may come back, he may not not but he's tired of being a voluntary games-tester. If this is an Alpha, then negative experiences are as valuable as positive ones.

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Wow. That spiraled out of control quickly... nerd rage!!!!!!!

Obviously this mod has a million issues (rooted in the fact that Arma 2 is pretty poorly built), and it's chock full of little bugs that can wipe out days and weeks of progress in a single click. Anyone who has played for any amount of time knows that. I don't blame the OP for venting, though it does muck up the forums with unconstructive flame bait.

Why can't we /shrug and move on?

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It's alpha. Period. You are not playing the game, you are helping test and improve it. If you no longer wish to be a part of it, fine.

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Because Arma2 has a terrible context menu system that is totally realistic and immersive...

Glitchy physics' date=' terrible AI (the zombies are pathetic), plus rampant hacking means I'm done with this mod for the foreseeable future. Pretty much the same reasons I stopped playing Arma 2 also, now that I think about it.

Its too bad because I really like the concept of this game.. ARMA 2 is just not a good platform to run it on.


Although I have the same sentiments as the above person in reply to your post, to put their post in perhaps a gentler light.

You full well knew the engine limitations and 'issues' with Arma 2, and yet you seem to expect a mod not to suffer from the same base issues? - That's a bit silly now, isn't it.

Maybe you did expect it, but feel that you are still somewhat justified to voice your complaints about it on the mod developers forum, issues that are not (except the Zombie AI, which is not as bad as you say considering they are making the most of this game's engine). That would be like eating chips with a kilo of salt sprinkled on top and complaining that the food is salty.

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If this is an Alpha' date=' then negative experiences are as valuable as positive ones.


Yes! The best kind of testers are the ones who quit after encountering bugs that have already been found and reported by other testers. So valuable. Their complete lack of continued contributions will surely help the mod mature in the coming months and posting a childish tirade about it on the forums will certainly help the developers identify and fix these issues.

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Not sure of the data, but it seems like slowly the player base for Day Z is dropping, the glitches are getting stale. That's not to say its a bad game, its great.. just it needs to be more polished before I give it another go and I'm sure there are many people like me who think the same.

When the game get's ironed out, I'll be back myself.. but for the foreseeable future, I'll participate on the sidelines...

Also.. I find it funny how some people take such offense to others leaving the game. They act like they don't care that your leaving.. but deep down inside they would not act like total jackasses if they didn't..

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SF-501 has had enough of dying through trial and error while trying to improve his experience of the game. He may come back' date=' he may not not but he's tired of being a voluntary games-tester. If this is an Alpha, then negative experiences are as valuable as positive ones.


That may be true, and if his post had been put in as a bug report, then respawn and find another bug, and not a 'I'm done with this game, I just want the whole world to know about it'.. that would have been so much more helpful for the mod (and even base game) developer(s) in trying to solve the problem, rather it is going to be trash talked into oblivion and the issue will never be raised.

There is a right way and a wrong way to test and report bugs in an alpha.

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Not sure of the data' date=' but it seems like slowly the player base for Day Z is dropping


100,824 in the last 24 hours.

On July 4th.

I think it's doing okay.

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Not sure of the data' date=' but it seems like slowly the player base for Day Z is dropping


100,824 in the last 24 hours.

On July 4th.

I think it's doing okay.

Damn, you beat me too it.. I noticed the same thing when I came on the forums today. 100,000 players in the last 24 hours.. 1/4 of the total number of players.. that's great player retention, growth and interest that this mod is showing.

The devs want people who are going to find bugs and report them, not play the mod thinking it's an end product and getting pissed off and will probably never play the game again when it goes to the next stage of mod development. I wish they never allowed the mod to grow beyond closed alpha stage until it was ready for closed or open Beta (but then I'd be upset in never experiencing what I have thus far experienced.. darn those double-edged swords).

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Your job, our job is to play the game and test it. Pure and Simple. Its not a game yet. Have fun by all means but dont get all shitty when you lose precious stuff.

See you in a years time.

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I hate the way in Arma you can be in a plane as a sniper jump out snipe the guy in a plane following you then jump in the other plane ...

O wait a second .....

That is it I am leaving BF3 now

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HAY GUYZ!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!!!





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Inb4 'its alpha' 'don't let the door hit you on the way out' and other cliche condescending comments.

It's funny when someone already knows the reasons why their post is asinine and ridiculous before other people point it out.

Yes' date=' these issues existed in ARMA 2, but they weren't as important as they are in DayZ because ARMA 2 is an instance-mission deathmatch game, not a persistent-world, permanent death game.

The same is true of hacks which, while annoying in ARMA 2, were not nearly as devastating to the community as they are in DayZ.

That changes priorities. Bugs and hacks that were not important in ARMA 2 are now important in DayZ and will be fixed. Incredibly, BIS has devoted engineers who would normally be working on ARMA 3 right now to fixing bugs in the ARMA 2 engine instead, explicitly because they value DayZ players and the contributions we have made to the company financially.

In summary: You're an impatient, entitled little turd and nobody's going to miss you. Get fucked.



HAY GUYZ!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!!!






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SF-501 has had enough of dying through trial and error while trying to improve his experience of the game. He may come back' date=' he may not not but he's tired of being a voluntary games-tester. If this is an Alpha, then negative experiences are as valuable as positive ones.


I just wonder what steps he took to report any of these problems he has had, or anyone else for that matter.

If you are not reporting the crap out of bugs then you are failing this game and community.

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In summary: You're an impatient' date=' entitled little turd and nobody's going to miss you. Get fucked.


I'll say it again' date=' since it bears repeating: get fucked, twatsock.


Can i have your babies?


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Never in the whole time that I've had ArmA 2 since it's release have I seen a A-10 own rockets hit its self. I don't think it gets that bad buddy.

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Inb4 'its alpha' 'don't let the door hit you on the way out' and other cliche condescending comments.

It's funny when someone already knows the reasons why their post is asinine and ridiculous before other people point it out.

Yes' date=' these issues existed in ARMA 2, but they weren't as important as they are in DayZ because ARMA 2 is an instance-mission deathmatch game, not a persistent-world, permanent death game.

The same is true of hacks which, while annoying in ARMA 2, were not nearly as devastating to the community as they are in DayZ.

That changes priorities. Bugs and hacks that were not important in ARMA 2 are now important in DayZ and will be fixed. Incredibly, BIS has devoted engineers who would normally be working on ARMA 3 right now to fixing bugs in the ARMA 2 engine instead, explicitly because they value DayZ players and the contributions we have made to the company financially.

In summary: You're an impatient, entitled little turd and nobody's going to miss you. Get fucked.



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