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Guy Smiley

<territory color="##########">

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What does  <territory color="##########"> represent in the zombie_territories.xml?

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9 hours ago, Guy Smiley said:

What does  < represent in the zombie_territories.xml?

I =think= this is so BI devs can keep track of where the different kinds of zombies are.
I assume they have a development map that can show zombie areas in color -  and shows a different color for each zomb type:  so they can oversee easily which type of zomb us in each particular area.

If you look at the zombie-territories, you see that one type of zomb will appear under one <territory color> in the defined different areas (with spawn parameters & location coordinates etc).
The same zomb type are all listed grouped under one territory color heading.
The next zomb type are listed under a different territory color heading

I guess this is so the BI devs can call up the the map of different color areas and see at glance what kind of zombs they have in what location. And probably manipulate types and resize/add areas directly on that map?

Good way of keeping a visual on what zomb-types you have in locations across the whole map.

[ Someone tell me if I'm wrong, please - thanx. ]

So the colors are used by the BI development tool. But IMO you can define any zomb zone you like using the zomb-type and spawn and location parameters, without giving that area a <territory-color> header, or without adding it to the list under an existing territory color (?) . That should not give an error because the territory-color code has no effect inside the gameplay; it's for the BI dev software.


for yourself (modding), it would be useful to work out a way of keeping track of the kinds of zombs you were putting in different places, and the parameters you were giving each bunch of zombs in any of those areas - you can mess with the rules and definitions as long as you remember which rules you messed with (me, I have no memory) .

e.g. in 0.6xx after the NWAF fire station was taken away, I heard there were still firefighter zombies spawning around there even though there was no firestation. I guess that is fixed now?  It's not a thing you'd notice a lot, and I haven't been back there for a long while.

this-all sound  right? .. er .. right?

Edited by pilgrim*
- seems to me -

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