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DayZ editor launch error.(need save file one day!)

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So I have recently got the dayz editor and ooh baby am I pumped to make some dayz stories with it (i hope we can save file sometime soon, shit damnHowever, after a day of using and getting use to it i started encountering an error that would not let me launch it anymore. I decided to delete the editor and reinstall it. And received the following errors

Error 1: File C:\Users\liquid\OneDrive/Documents\DayZ\DayZ.cfg, line 31: .PostFX: Member already defined. ---- Now i tried a fix for this but i could not edit the DayZ.cfg file to delete the duplicate so i deleted the editor and then received the following error.

Error 2: Windows cannot find DayZ_x64exe. Make sure yo have typed the name correctly, then try again. Now i seen someone suggest to fix this by editing a file from run of which i cant remember exactly what file it was too replace Diag infront of DayZ_x64.exe or vice versa. That did not work.

Even uninstall/reinstall dayz didnt seem to work at all.

Anyone else have the same annoying problem ? is it because the editor is in its infancy ? Perhaps i will hold off my dedication until there is a save feature and this issue isnt so persistent.


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