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New player getting murdered

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Ignore half the people on the forum. General rule of the Internet: almost everyone is a dick.

Your best bet is get people you know from outside of the game into the game to work with. There are very few people who won't shoot you on sight. Hopefully Rocket will rectify that with some sort of boost to co-operative play.

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Leyuno ' date=' did u make that dayz vid with mentor ?

(ke mij ziekgelache daarmee)


yes, that is me :) if you want medical help, hit me up on skype, I'll try to get to your position with medical gear. you can also pm me on 9lives, nick is KoOkiE

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Ok first I wanna say that i really like this game. I wanna really enjoy it but' date=' every time I get far enough to make some progress I get murdered by other players no matter how much I say friendly friendly friendly! So my question is is everyone who plays just a jerk? The enemy is zombies! Oh well I'm sure I'll get flamed and called a noob and that I suck since I'm sure anyone who posts on this thread enjoys killing people who don't mean them any harm.


PvP is a major part of the mod, especially now that zombies are basically no threat. That said, unfortunately 90% of the people you'll meet in-game are dicks who will kill you for fun. The other 10% are great, though!

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Let me guess? you're here from the yogscast video? GTFO kid.

Your an ass. This guy is new leave him alone.

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Point blank, the game is not co-op. It is built on player decisions to fight or flight. To kill players or try to survive with them the game is "Realistic." So playing realistically is what you should do. If you want to run around and gun people down for their stuff. Fine. Just remember payback is a bitch and don't rage when someone cap's your ass. Realistically I and DarkLunatic86 wouldn't just gun others down. I wish he could have been on last night to wait a short distance away and gun those 2 assholes down after they shot me but he wasn't so no revenge no chance of getting my stuff back. So there is obviously a benefit to both sides of that. If he would have been there they would've died. Since there were 2 of them even if i shot 1 the other would have killed me before I could escape. So obviously playing co-op is obviously a great idea either way.

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Point blank' date=' the game is not co-op. It is built on player decisions to fight or flight. To kill players or try to survive with them the game is "Realistic." So playing realistically is what you should do. If you want to run around and gun people down for their stuff. Fine. Just remember payback is a bitch and don't rage when someone cap's your ass. Realistically I and DarkLunatic86 wouldn't just gun others down. I wish he could have been on last night to wait a short distance away and gun those 2 assholes down after they shot me but he wasn't so no revenge no chance of getting my stuff back. So there is obviously a benefit to both sides of that. If he would have been there they would've died. Since there were 2 of them even if i shot 1 the other would have killed me before I could escape. So obviously playing co-op is obviously a great idea either way.


It's very much co-op, and the focus of next feature updates will also be in this direction. Playing in groups is very much a part of this game.

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People that say this game is NOT either coop or pvp are wrong. Its both. The problem being that its unbalanced at the moment. That is what rocket meant for this mod. If you dont beleive me ask him yourself. The beauty of it is it's YOUR choice. Dont let the forum trolls get you down just laugh at how pathetic they are sat waiting to flame any new player they can, because noobs are all they can kill. My advice to you rattus is find a single food and drink (weapons dont matter you will find one somewhere down the line) and head north. Stay off the roads but keep them in sight and you will live longer and in the long run, you will have the gear you hope for :)

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Its not that I'm trying to be an ass by killing you on sight. Its that I'm trying to protect all of the gear I've spent a few days collecting.

I can't tell you how many times I've been shot by some guy who spawned 10 minutes ago that I was trying to lend a hand to. A few pistol shots in the back of the head and in 10 minutes he has access to gear that took me several days to collect. After about the 4th or 5th time of this happening is when I decided it wasn't worth it.... I was going to either avoid people or just kill them.

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Point blank' date=' the game is not co-op. It is built on player decisions to fight or flight. To kill players or try to survive with them the game is "Realistic." So playing realistically is what you should do. If you want to run around and gun people down for their stuff. Fine. Just remember payback is a bitch and don't rage when someone cap's your ass. Realistically I and DarkLunatic86 wouldn't just gun others down. I wish he could have been on last night to wait a short distance away and gun those 2 assholes down after they shot me but he wasn't so no revenge no chance of getting my stuff back. So there is obviously a benefit to both sides of that. If he would have been there they would've died. Since there were 2 of them even if i shot 1 the other would have killed me before I could escape. So obviously playing co-op is obviously a great idea either way.


Yes, you are right. Too bad youbwere alone and got screwed. So yes if you have a friend they can take vengeance in bad situations.

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So my question is is everyone who plays just a jerk? The enemy is zombies!

I am pretty sure that most players have had the exact same situation as you.

Just got tired of being killed, so they adapted. So i think no jerks.

Except the guys who just server-hop and snipe someone without benefit. But thats going to decrease once ammo is not replicable anymore.

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Not even going to waste time reading past the first page of this thread. Because so far on the first thread all the reply are the same as all the other threads. The Bandits are flaming someone who wants to play the game. Renun, the only thing I can tell you is that it has to be that flashlight you have. It seems it is a dangerous weapon that the Bandits fear. That and they are picked on it the real world and have to attack people in the cyber world to make themselves feel better. You kids fail hard at claiming what you are doing is PvP. PvP presents a challenge not a murdering an unarmed combatant.

Give it time Renun, from things I have read on this forum Rocket will be working in features to push players into working together, and when that happens all the so called Bandits will move on to another game that they can murder defenseless players on. Because they fear a challenge. It is usually those who have no real PvP skill that murder defenseless players and when they lose their advantage and someone with real PvP skill presents a challenge to them they move on to keep their lack of skill a secret.

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You can find people in the Survivor/Bandit sub-forums of DayZ General who are always looking for someone else to group up with. Ignore the other people in this thread that just mock you, they aren't worth your time.

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The only ways to successfully find real friendly people, is either play with personal friends, or check the forums and maybe join a group.

This is a survival game. Yes, the zombies are an enemy in the game, but the REAL enemy, is a person. A zombie you can't trust, because it's just an enemy AI that is programmed to attack. A person, on the other hand, can be possibly trusted, thus involving real human emotions which is where major decisions take place.

Anyone with a gun is a threat to me. Sorry, but I won't take the chance of getting shot in the back. The only people I wouldn't shoot on sight is unarmed (in the chance they just spawned recently).

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you want some friendly people to play with look at my sig, jump on that teamspeak look for me or riosjoe or izethel, we will play with you.

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I'm with a group of survivors, and we shoot first before we talk. You never know, someone with a gun always wants your stuff, nobody is a friendly, only your own teammates.

Me and 2 of my teammates found this noob named Tom. We did't shoot him at first, he wanted food so then we shoot him. Later on we sniped 2 noobs working together, we kill the first 1 and the second was wounded, he took a shotgun shell to the head.

All fair in Day Z, get in a group, get a gun, and get away from the coast.

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This game simulates how under the thin veneer of civilisation humans are base animals.

We play nice while we live our nice comfortable lives but take all that away and we will all be at eachothers throats.

People will form gangs with those they know well and wage war with others over the last resources.

The strong murder, rape and take what they need and the weak perish.

I truly believe this game gives a glimpse of what will befall humanity during a disaster of apocalyptic scale and you can see evidence in wartorn Africa or the chaos after huricane Katrina.

The movie 'The Road' with Viggo Mortensen also portrays this very well.

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Yes, "The Road" was a great portrayl of that. True the game does give glimpse of the shady and brutal prospering and how the good have to steep to their level to a degree to survive.

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What I just posted was perhaps a bit too pessimistic and an absolute worst case scenario.

There will be some truly mean-spirited people who take every opportunity to do harm to others but most will just try to survive and stay out of other peoples way for as long as possible. (plenty of people who do that in DayZ and I'm one of them)

It's also silly to think that a game can be a real 1 on 1 comparison but yes I think there is quite a bit of truth to it. :)

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Yes to some degree there is a lot of truth to it. But 9 times out of 10 people who play the lone wolf in video games or the asshole people who just enjoy killing others are usually not to far off personality wise in real life. I knew a guy one time who always thought "I am the best gamer in the world" it didn't matter how many times you kicked his ass that is what he thought and during a LAN party he would sometimes even kill his own teammates to make sure he got the kill instead which didn't make sense but he did do it. In real life he tried to rape my girl friend. And back before that when we were friends a guy forced himself on one of our friends me and him and another guy took turns kicking the shit out of him in the locker room but he took it too far he was taking cheap shots and trying to break the guys bones after we had already messed him up pretty bad. Point of the story is he was never a good person and in the gaming world it showed a lot. So when someone like that can do whatever they want to with out repercussions in a video game they will do it, take away the repercussions in reality and they will be a whole lot worse. Un-fortunetly in real life we have far too many people just like him that when given a chance they will do anything they want and not care who it hurts. Just like it is in DayZ. Only bad part is, in reality, good doesn't always triumph over evil. At the end of the day who is still alive you, or them?

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Ok first I wanna say that i really like this game. I wanna really enjoy it but' date=' every time I get far enough to make some progress I get murdered by other players no matter how much I say friendly friendly friendly! So my question is is everyone who plays just a jerk? The enemy is zombies! Oh well I'm sure I'll get flamed and called a noob and that I suck since I'm sure anyone who posts on this thread enjoys killing people who don't mean them any harm.


Trouble is playing survival vs zombies gets old after about 1-2 weeks. Then theres nothing left but to pvp pretty much.

Take my advice:

1) shoot on sight.

2) if you want team play, join a clan.

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My most rewarding experiences so far have been my own deaths, to either zeds or humans. It is the paranoia that drives this game to levels of fun/ fear I have never experienced in a video game.

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