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ID Cards

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Imagine if everyone spawned in with a ID card with their gamertag and when their character was spawned.. so u can see who u kill and take their cards.. mindblown!!??

Edited by Tiga6
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The problem with a physical item is that hundreds of "ID Cards" will be littering the coast. or taking up space in peoples inventory. I remember on PC there was a way to check someones condition/name. It would be useful as you'd know the people around you are friendly and not notorious bandits. But i don't think its of much priority right now.

Also once you kill someone and get their card what are you really going to do with it? You'll either keep them as  trophies or go around bragging that you took out MrBandit.
meanwhile everyone on that server now knows MrBandit is a Bandit regardless of if he changes his play style or if he was even hostile in the first place. Not to mention the possibility that people will spam him with messages after they kill him.

Unlike PC, you're not able to change your xbox gamertag for free. So people can become permanently infamous and be constantly hunted or killed. Which would be fine as long as its not permanent and the player wants that experience. But without the option of anonymity it could potentially ruin the game for some people. 

If they were to implement an ID mechanic i think it should come along with custom characters and character names. With the amount of times I've been invited a party by some random person in my server, i definitely think custom names should be implemented. I'd much rather see "Earl" and "John" on the server list than "SaVaGKiLlA6669" and "FaZeBoii3000". 

Or if they implement writing on paper we can just make our own ID's.  

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