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Marcin Pankiewicz

No interaction with objects. Please Help:/

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Hello, how to fix the lack of interaction with objects? I click on food or any object and I do not show any actions to be done eg food, etc. :/ 

because of that, I quickly starve....

Edited by Marcin Pankiewicz

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The second menu activated by clicking the item was removed with 0.63. Now, you interact with objects by dragging them into your hands slot, leaving the EQ and actually use them with animations. Game always shows you a lil tutorial (Bottom left, a bit upper than stamina bar) of how to use it, for example - If you wan't to open a can - Drag a can into your hands, then drag a knife or can opener over this can, so it will show you  "combine" option. After doing that, your EQ will close automatically, then as i said before, look at the bottom left, it will tell you to HOLD left mouse button to open a can. Same with actually everything in the game, you do it with your hands, not some magic wand in your EQ liek before. :) 

Edited by Vernon_Price

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Installed the game today and I have trouble eating and drinking. I tried drinking and I do not have an option (just to inspect the item itself) even having it in my hand. What I am doing wrong? Or not doing properly?



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11 hours ago, Amonbonfills said:


Installed the game today and I have trouble eating and drinking. I tried drinking and I do not have an option (just to inspect the item itself) even having it in my hand. What I am doing wrong? Or not doing properly?



With the item in your hand, click and hold the left mouse button.  If you have the HUD turned on, you will see a white circle appear in the middle of the screen -- continue holding the button down until the circle disappears if you want to consume the entire food/beverage -- let go when the circle is half-way around if you want to consume only half and save half for later -- etc.

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