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DayZ : Forsaken (Chapter One)

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Now, before you all berate me, I've written some fan fiction. I've steered away (in my humble opinion) from the kind of stuff people explicitly said they would not want to see by listening to feedback as I planned this.

I've written a chapter, but I have this entire story planned out and can produce more should there be interest.

Just wanted to elicit some feedback on what I've managed to construct so far and ascertain whether or not this has legs.

Cheers in advance.

The link below is a PDF of the cover and first chapter.

DayZ : Forsaken (Chapter One)

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Sorry guys, thought it would be instantly public...I'll try to get that sorted.

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Huh. Looks like you need to verify your account.

I was going to do a bit of writing in journal form for a group of survivors, but all of my buddies bailed on me. I was going to also incorporate 'radio signals' to the group that allowed people to pry into the personal pasts of said survivors. Was an interesting prospect, in my eyes, but writing about one single character is pretty boring. It's nicer to see things like the syntax between conflicting characters.

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Yep. It's working. Will return with my thoughts in a few.

Ciao for now.

Aaaaand I'm back.

Short read, that's for sure. But it's the first chapter.

It didn't exactly hook me from the beginning, but as the exposition, such as the elaborate description of the plane and the beach outside of Balota, drove on, I found myself enjoying it. Can't wait to see what's in store for Pavel.

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Very good indeed - definitely keep going.

One word though - Pavel started with a watch!!

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Neat start man, I'm looking forward to reading the rest of it.

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Excellent. I'm currently finished chapter two and working on a third now.

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Hoping to upload new chapters by the Lord's Sabbath day...

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Hey, esaciar, any new update on chapter 2?

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