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Combination lock whortless

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Hi , me and my group had been playing on a server for a few weeks , we have built a very large base but we keept getting raided because is too easy to open a lock , you just have to guess ther first 2 numbers , the last one open as soon you cycle the correct number.
Takes only a few minutes to open a gate and we have 2 , 3 numbers only is way too easy plus the issue with the last one 
Is this getting addressed ? because right now you cant have your shit safe unless you build like 10 or more gates.
Sorry for my english , thanks a lot

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I think you'll find they're breaking in by using Hacksaws.

The reason I know this is simple maths.

a 3 combination lock contains 1000 possible permutations. That's 999 chances to get it wrong.
Even if you discount the last digit, you still have to get the first 2 correct. 2 digits is 100 permutations, and any of these might be wrong... And even if you do get it right, you still won't know until you get the 3rd digit correct... Which takes you back to 3 digits and 1000 permutations.

To take this one step further... To cycle a combination lock ingame by one digit takes about 3 seconds for each number. In order to cycle the combination lock to the correct number could therefore theoretically take 50 minutes.  (1000 x 3 /60) And you're saying you have 2 locks. So that's theoretically 1:40 minutes of combination hunting. I'll admit that unless your combination code is 999 and they start at 000, it's going to take them less time. But the point is it takes a LOT less time to just cut through it with a hacksaw. (2 minutes or something isn't it?)

They're not breaking the combination. They're breaking the lock.

Edited by robotstar
  • Beans 2

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No , i know for sure they are finding the numbers , we tested it on other people bases . The server uses a mod so you cant break buildings from outside .
Someone changed our owns locks and we had to guess the numbers . it only took us 30 minutes less or more to open both gates .
Let me explaing , you select a number between 100 and for the last number you just hold the button (01holdbutton , 02holdbutton and so on) we can confirm is really really easy

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If you can just hold button like that then yeah, likely takes max 20mins for the lock if you need to go through every combination. So 30mins for 2 locks sounds like a normal scenario.

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Agree, would like to see better security measures.  Not to mention people can just take off netting, and also easily take down wire from the outside with pliers.  The combo locks are ridiculous and clunky to work with.  Would like to see at least a 5 number combo, or a key perhaps, locked to that player and lock.  And a few hacksaws will get you in a double gate as well.  Just too easy. 


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The issue is, trying to make it too much like real life when it just can't be.  In real life, you are always around.  In the real world, we have to work, family, sleep, etc..   Would be nice to see tents/gates/locks, be bound to a player I.D..  That way they can't be broken in to. Or at least make it much harder to break in to bases and such.  


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why should it be harder? you realize that the combination lock in game is a simple bike lock right? in real life you would bike to work lock your bike to a sign or bike rack and head in for a minimum 2 hrs or so before going on break.  if i sat and put my mind to it (in high school days we broke many a lock) i could have ur bike in a half hour or so and be on my way (and im not even practiced at it). 

If you want a game where you can build and store things and have everything be completely safe why not play something like the sims instead.  or maybe build a smaller base in a harder to find location.  not trying to be a dick but seriously if they make bases take 3 hrs to break into then they would be making it crazy unrealistic and last i checked the game is supposed to be a real life survival simulator.....

Edited by FunkInYourTrunk

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I see what you are saying Funk, but also in "reality", as I said before, you would not be logged out.   Needs to be a happy medium. 

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