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Unloading Ammo from Magazines, or combining ammo

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I have a bunch of half full magazines for my pistol as well as some boxed ammo.  How can I empty magazines and then fill them full?  I have tried holding them in hands and have no submenu appear.


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Put mag in hand, hold left-click to unload the ammo which will either go into your inventory or onto the ground if your inventory is full.

To load the mag, with the mag in your hand, open your inventory and drag the ammo onto the "Combine" section of the picture of the mag and then when your inventory closes, once again, hold left-click and the mag will load the ammo.

You can also put ammo on one of your hotbar keys if you want and then you load by pressing and holding that hotbar number.

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On 12/25/2018 at 2:18 PM, drgullen said:

Put mag in hand, hold left-click to unload the ammo which will either go into your inventory or onto the ground if your inventory is full.

To load the mag, with the mag in your hand, open your inventory and drag the ammo onto the "Combine" section of the picture of the mag and then when your inventory closes, once again, hold left-click and the mag will load the ammo.

You can also put ammo on one of your hotbar keys if you want and then you load by pressing and holding that hotbar number.

One thing I have found is that if I add a mag to the hotbar- it only works for that mag... not every mag of that type. I assume the same is for ammo bunches- so it’ll work once off the hotbar (if you put one mag or one bunch) but after that you need to interact. 

Also im not sure it’ll work when you put the stuff in a protective case and then in your inventory... I only tried it once. It used to work back in the old days but I understand if it doesn’t- that was a bit of a stretch as it was. 

Edited by eno

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