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DayZ 1.0 HUD Explained

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I was wondering what the icon left of the health bar is. I keep all my stats up but all of a sudden that one drops to nothing and my guy passes out and dies?

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Makes sense. I was wondering the same. May sound like a stupid question but where to I get blood from, other players?

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There's a mechanic to do blood transfusions, but it isn't really necessary in most cases.  Blood will regenerate on its own soon enough, even if you're near death and your screen is completely black and white, in about 15 minutes or so, you'll be close to full health again, assuming you aren't still bleeding or starving/dehydrated.  If you want to go full immersion though, seek out one of the blue medical facilities or a hospital in one of the cities where you can loot blood bags and test kits to do a transfusion from a buddy.  As I say, I've never bothered -- I just wait it out and let the blood come back on its own -- I have never tried doing a transfusion in 1.0 but I believe it works.

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Blood transfusions used to be WAY more useful in the dayz mod days. Blood regenerated SUPER slow, and so you would almost CERTAINLY need a transfusion. With the current blood regeneration rate, transfusions seem useless, I wonder why they made this change...

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I agree, I would like to see it more along the lines as it used to be.  It could perhaps be an exponential type of regen, meaning for example, if you've lost only 1-25% of your blood, it'll regen on its own in a few minutes, 25-50% blood loss and you're looking at a good 30 minutes or so before you're at full blood again, 50-75% blood loss and you need a transfusion otherwise you're health is low for more than an hour and finally anything more than 75% blood loss and your blood does not regen without a transfusion.

Those are just example numbers, but the point being, with enough blood loss, you should be unhealthy for a lengthy period of time without a transfusion.

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