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Suposedly maps now are working (can somebody confirm this ?)

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Remember when the devs put the map on the game but it wasn't possible to navigate through, only open it because navigation wasn't assigned yet ?

There are quite a few people reporting that this is possible now (Facebook groups), not only navigate through but also zooming in and out, they said this was already happening before this update, can someone with a map confirm this to me ? i'm putting a (?) warning here because i don't if it's true, might be someone trolling and such, but just in case.

You can combine with the orienting compass by the way.

Edit: Well, it appears that if you use the orienting compass along the map it will allow you to navigate through it

Edited by MarczXD320
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I use double sticks to move the map as it isn't hold and move its by tap, zooming idk I couldn't but deffo moving it around worked

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49 minutes ago, Andyyypandyyy said:

I use double sticks to move the map as it isn't hold and move its by tap, zooming idk I couldn't but deffo moving it around worked

Zoom in and out using bumpers

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21 minutes ago, DayzDayzFanboy said:

Zoom in and out using bumpers

Sound lad, I use izurvive but I know from nwaf all the way east west and south so wanna start using the in game map, you're a great help bud thank you

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I found it a little tricky to zoom out and scroll down to the very bottom of the map though. It wouldn't quite scroll all the way to the south coast as of it were slightly bugged. I'd be interested to hear if you can get it to scroll all the way down. 

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