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how would you increase body decay rate?

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hey, having a problem on my pvp server, so many player bodies are amassing it causing frame drop.. anyone know how to increase the rate at which bodies despawn?

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I am still learning, but I think it relates to this value in the globals.xml file:


<var name="CleanupLifetimeRuined" type="0" value="330"/>


I think what this means is things that are on the ground and ruined (which would include the dead) despawn after 5 and a half minutes (i.e. 330 seconds).  So, in theory, lowering this number should clear out things faster.

If I'm wrong about that, someone please correct me.

EDIT: I'm going to correct myself actually.  I just tested this with an infected at least and she still took over 5 minutes to despawn, so perhaps this variable doesn't affect bodies - not sure tbh.

Edited by drgullen
Seems incorrect
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I believe there is also a radius around the ruined stuff but I've not looked into it fully so in a PvP server with everyone in one area would also effect cleanup

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