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No Walk Toggle?

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Various wiki's and player howtos indicated double tapping Left CTRL will toggle walk mode.  This does not work for me.

Is this a bug?  I'm getting cramps from holding it down for 30 minutes at a time.  Is there some other way to turn on walk toggle?

  • Beans 1

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unfortunately double tapping doesn't work right now. it worked on 0.62 but when they introduced new player controller on 0.63 it stopped working. i really hope it will come back. your an RPer i take it, i know your pain i'm an RPer my self :)

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Yes, I like RP. One thing I've always hated about FPS games is the run-run-run-jump-jump-jump.  Dayz has fatigue and that is awesome. Also it seems like I loose less hydration if I just walk long distances vs. jogging.  And it just feels right to walk around.

  • Beans 3

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Something the devs do not understand it seems...making controls overcomplicated ist not a survival feature but a pain in the ass. A toggle for walking/ running and also for ads ( without having to hold right mouse button) is bitterly needed....and for me personnaly so is autorun as well !!!!!

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With the old Arma controls there were plenty of lovely options to toggle. Toggle walking, toggle free look, toggle aiming down sights. With these new controls there is a level of simplified flow to them, but they've really left out some good stuff. It'd be nice to have a good middle ground and I find it embarrassing for them that they change controls and something "stops working"? Do they even have 1 guy that does game testing in their studio?

  • Thanks 1

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I was perfectly happy with the ARMA controls... wonder why they "fixed" what wasn't broken?

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