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Base building and cars!

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I'm really excited for this base building/car update. This is the spark DayZ on xbox needed. I think this will bring the player base back up to when we first release, or close at least. I know I was close to uninstalling DayZ to make room for other games, as I never played it anymore. But this has livened up my experience, just knowing base building and cars are right around the corner. I'm assuming quite a few other people will feel the same as well. So assuming all goes good with implementing base building and cars. What are your guys' plans until then? I'm thinking about scoping out some base locations, maybe some car stash locations close to shore for easy access to my base upon death.


Also we finally get a real shotgun that doesn't shoot rifle rounds!

Edited by Dopplerman

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44 minutes ago, Haggard45 said:

So just to be clear the game is gonna be down on Xbox until Thursday?

Um...it’s not down?

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The game is up and running as normal but the game will need a update on thanksgiving morning around 8:00am that I’m assuming currently but for now you can start spotting loot points base points and when thanksgiving day come you be able to team up with your friends and clan to build bases

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1 hour ago, Syd Barrett said:

If you log off and built a base or used a barrel, do you have to go back to the same server to find them again?

Obviously yes... Or every server would be filled with 1,000 bases lolol

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