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Explanation on server hives

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Can anyone explain how does the hive system work on official experimental servers?

I have 2 characters, until a few days ago whenever I logged in to UK servers, I got a specific character, on DE servers I got the other one.

Since yesterday, it seems random. Either the names are misleading, or I just don't understand how it works. I spent more time on reconnecting and hoping to play with a specific character, than actually playing.

Also, the main menu is really confusing and buggy. Characters menu is unclear, filters seem to work partially, currently the only way for me to find a good server is with trial&error and to write down the IP:Port before and after I play.

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The link here explains the server and hive functionality.  I haven't read through it so it may or may not be a little outdated. 


And then there are some oddities that can happen from time to time.  I'm sure you already know that first person servers and third person servers are on a different hive, meaning you can have two different characters going on official experimental servers.  The thing is that *if* you always play in 1PP mode you might not even notice that you're playing on a 3PP server.  The next time you log in to your 1PP and don't see the character progression that you *thought* you made, because it was saved on the 3PP hive.  That one can be confusing.   Dayzspy is showing seven 1PP servers up right now:  UK 0-4, SNG 0-2, US Northeast 0-3. DE 0-2, UK 0-8, US Southcentral 0-2 and AUS 0-1.  Don't know if the 1PP vs 3PP is your particular situation, but I'm just throwing that out there.

Also, if a server isn't connected to it's hive for some network issue/bug/hosting/glitch that can mess your characters up too.  You might play as that freshie for hours and establish a kit and then log off - but all of that character data could not be saved.  Next time you log in all of that progression was lost and you find yourself with the kit/location you had before you connected to that server with the buggy hive.   That one's frustrating. 

As you've said writing down the IP:port of your server is a surefire way to end up on your home server every time.  It might sound aloof but confusion like this is just the price of opting-in to experimental -  things frequently just don't work as expected and you have to find your own solutions (then hopefully report them or at least share them here on the forums).  imo that's kind of the purpose of exp.

  • Thanks 1

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