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Admin For Dayz Standalone (Works)

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Update to the game today, script no longer works. Any ideas?




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Hi survivors,

i also use the script from githup since 1.0 and it was running quite well until todays update.

In the past some updates wiped the init.c so i had to re-insert the lines but today the script does not show any function 😞


Would be great if someone can halp.


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Problem based on message function.

Script can't handle admin input, you may try to debug messages from init.c but still no luck to catch input to any log file.

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This was created in November 2018. Why not use one of the regular available admin mods that have been developed since, such as Community Online Tool?

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The Admin script does not need any addons on server or client.

I was able to add own commands to the script.

The admin functions are availlable to everyone who can log in as admin.

That's why i like the script solution. Btw Community Online Tool is from 11/2018 too and we are dependent on updates if dayz changes something.

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31 minutes ago, Printaix said:

That's why i like the script solution. Btw Community Online Tool is from 11/2018 too and we are dependent on updates if dayz changes something.

And it's been kept up to date. Still works with 1.05. Requiring someone to download COT is not a deal breaker. It's not so big that it's cumbersome.

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I installed COT on my server and it wolks but seems to have some bugs.
And we do have players who dont want to or are not able to install the mod in their game.

I was very happy with the old script solution and so i'm still interressted in getting it to work again in 1.05.
If someone can help ... would be soooo nice 🙂

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change the first line in init.c

#include "$CurrentDir:\\mpmissions\\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\\ODZTools\\Scripts\\Logger\\Logger.c"

and add in init.c

void main()
    Logger.Log(LogType.Debug, "This is a debug message!");
    Logger.Log(LogType.Info, "This is a info message!");
    Logger.Log(LogType.Warning, "This is a warning message!");
    Logger.Log(LogType.Error, "This is a error message!");



and change the first line in Logger.c

#include "$CurrentDir:\\mpmissions\\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\\ODZTools\\Scripts\\Logger\\Enums\\LogType.c"


I hope you can get better debug information

Unfortunately, I am not a professional

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