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Помогите разобраться с настройками на експеременталке 0.63

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Люди помогите! Уже 3-ий день воюю с настройками управления и ничего не могу изменить. Бинды сохраняются, но персонаж не выполняет действие. Что делать?

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  On 9/22/2018 at 8:49 AM, Velenav2 said:

Люди помогите! Уже 3-ий день воюю с настройками управления и ничего не могу изменить. Бинды сохраняются, но персонаж не выполняет действие. Что делать?

<< someone help! This is the 3rd day I'm fighting the control settings and I can not change anything.  My new keybinds are listed, but the character does not perform the action. What can I do about this? >>

У меня такая же проблема (I have the same problem)

-  in Experimental ??

I'm left handed - so I use the number pad and right-end keys for actions like movement and 'look' and other quick actions (my standard layout for games)  .. movement works, stand/lie/crouch works

but /look left /right/look up left/look up right/free look/ inventory/ .. for instance  - these don't operate in Experimental when the keys are bound to the numeric pad. .. and listed as bound and OK. no joy.

don't know why

Edited by pilgrim*

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  On 9/24/2018 at 10:09 AM, pilgrim* said:

<< someone help! This is the 3rd day I'm fighting the control settings and I can not change anything.  My new keybinds are listed, but the character does not perform the action. What can I do about this? >>

У меня такая же проблема (I have the same problem)

-  in Experimental ??

I'm left handed - so I use the number pad and right-end keys for actions like movement and 'look' and other quick actions (my standard layout for games)  .. movement works, stand/lie/crouch works

but /look left /right/look up left/look up right/free look/ inventory/ .. for instance  - these don't operate in Experimental when the keys are bound to the numeric pad. .. and listed as bound and OK. no joy.

don't know why

Rebinding keys is not supported in the game yet. We know this is troublesome especially to many left-handed players out there, but it will return to the game eventually.

  • Beans 1

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  On 9/24/2018 at 12:05 PM, ImpulZ said:

Rebinding keys is not supported in the game yet. We know this is troublesome especially to many left-handed players out there, but it will return to the game eventually.

Means I have to do things the clumsy way while Im being sniped at and the zombies are eating me... eerk !
Oh My God - not another Learning Curve.. at my age..!  damn, where are my spectacles.

Друг! - то, о чем вы просите, еще не реализовано. Скоро это произойдет. Удачи. Мне это тоже сложно.  !!



Edited by pilgrim*

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