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Fixed reloading ? No, you didnt

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Well I noticed you can now no longer combine a mag into a gun that already has a mag. I avoid LT+Y unless I have to, but k did notice you must first eject the mag to load another mag. Which is I think the "fix". Because that makes sense based on the mechanics. 

Just goes to show, playing Full Auto isnt the best way to do it. At 2-3 bullets a kill, you could easily take 5-7 enemies before needing to reload if you had to. Odds are a group of 10 wont swamp 1 person, so i think it's fine. 

This is why i always set the M4 to single shot. I have no need for full auto as it always puts me in a risky situation. I prefer recoil control over sending bullets flying, but hey... besides, minus the m4 and mp5, I can tap the trigger faster in single shot mode than every gun set to full auto.


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If you lack sufficient space (typically 3 slots for assault rifle mags) then a reload is not possible because the ejected mag gets placed in the inventory before the new mag is taken out. Without the space buffer it won't let you reload. Make sure you don't have a mag in your pants and have the pants loaded to capacity or it won't reload. Trick is to keep all mags in the backpack and have a bit of space and reloading should work every time, of course with the possibility of blanks occuring.

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What I have found is that if you load a gun by holding left trigger (LT) and press Y the bullets you fire are blanks however if you just press Y without holding LT then the reload works and you fire bullets that register.  Anyone else try this?

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