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Aaron Whites

Recently discovered bugs

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Some more bugs I've noticed besides the plethora of ones everyone has reported. (these may have been reported and I haven't seen them yet).


1. When eating it makes the swimming sound instead of the munching on pebbles sound.

2. When loading a gun to everyone around me it sounds like a shot being fired, same when anyone around me loads their weapons. 

3. Sometimes either me or the people I play with cannot eat and have to be hand fed by someone else.

4. Zombies fly across map when they freak out, making it impossible to shoot them.

5. When drinking instead of the animation being my (or teammates) canteen being drawn, the character pulls out rifles and drinks from butt of gun.

6. At random times during gameplay character starts rubber banding bad and if near cliffs or heights could potentially fall to death. 

7. Found multiple "pristine" 9v batteries that still would not enable scope to work. 

8. When looking down sights (iron or scope) screen becomes blurry.

9. When laying down scope is blank

10. Having to leave a server because of inability to move and having character locked in database for up to an hour.


I really hope you guys get this game up to par, I love playing it. DayZ has so much potential but silly things like the inventory system and stupid glitches/bugs are really pushing players away. 

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no se ustedes pero a mi me ocurre lo siguiente:

1 se deshabilita la interaccion con los objetos a mi alrededor como abrir puertas o recojer loot 

2 se bloquea el movimiento del personaje al apagarse el mando 

3 al mirar con una mira telescopica sin arma la vista se vuelve loca hacia todos lados

Edited by shibito

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2 hours ago, Aaron Whites said:


5. When drinking instead of the animation being my (or teammates) canteen being drawn, the character pulls out rifles and drinks from butt of gun.



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FYI so far:

A way to kill the swirling wind noise while in the menu... please.

When compass is equipped, hitting y button will not cycle weapons but opens and closes compass. Will not cycle through quick menu items.

Items on alter in church, inaccessible even in vicinity, not accessible.

eating while prone makes a water noise.

alice pack weirds out during ladder climb sprint

auto/semiauto switch?

how to hold breathe while aiming, or scoped and ADS

drop things from inventory while under evergreen tree and they ended up in the branches, and i can't get them back through vicinity. they're not there, but they are.

climbing up ladder on smoke stack causes player to end up way away from platform and causes player to fall off... and die.

Loving the game. Thanks devs. all good

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