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Aaron Whites

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About Aaron Whites

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Aaron Whites

    Xbox Update 25/09/2018

    Not everyone locked in database is serving hopping. I literally logged into a server, took two steps, got kicked and then I got locked into database. Just because it hasn't happened to you doesn't mean its caused by deliberate server hopping
  2. Aaron Whites

    Recently discovered bugs

    Some more bugs I've noticed besides the plethora of ones everyone has reported. (these may have been reported and I haven't seen them yet). 1. When eating it makes the swimming sound instead of the munching on pebbles sound. 2. When loading a gun to everyone around me it sounds like a shot being fired, same when anyone around me loads their weapons. 3. Sometimes either me or the people I play with cannot eat and have to be hand fed by someone else. 4. Zombies fly across map when they freak out, making it impossible to shoot them. 5. When drinking instead of the animation being my (or teammates) canteen being drawn, the character pulls out rifles and drinks from butt of gun. 6. At random times during gameplay character starts rubber banding bad and if near cliffs or heights could potentially fall to death. 7. Found multiple "pristine" 9v batteries that still would not enable scope to work. 8. When looking down sights (iron or scope) screen becomes blurry. 9. When laying down scope is blank 10. Having to leave a server because of inability to move and having character locked in database for up to an hour. I really hope you guys get this game up to par, I love playing it. DayZ has so much potential but silly things like the inventory system and stupid glitches/bugs are really pushing players away.
  3. Aaron Whites

    List of Bugs and my Feedback so far (after Update)

    For sure! I still am ecstatic that they brought the game to Xbox, aside from inventory bugs, some shots not registering, and server issues the game is beautiful. I've spent the afternoon walking through the woods are creeping around towns. I met up with a buddy in the airfield, but when we were trying to leave someone killed him then I killed the attacker. I hope in the future they make it so that you can join games alongside your friends and that they bring vehicles, helicopters and base building into the game as they have promised. I've met much more hostile players than friendly, but my friend did run into someone that walked into the room, gave them a gun, danced and then left haha. Days is such an awesome game, if they would just finish the damn thing and work on the bugs I doubt I would play many other games. Vigor is ok, but not nearly as fun as Dayz.
  4. Aaron Whites

    First Player Encounter (Funny)

    They were probably trying to take advantage of the "bullets not registering" bug lol
  5. Aaron Whites

    List of Bugs and my Feedback so far (after Update)

    The magazine issue is so frustrating. I found an MP5 and put an ACOG scope on it and was pumped until I noticed that the magazine showed up in the inventory but not in the game. I have to load each bullet individually and cannot place any of the 4 magazines ive found (weapon, ammo and magazines all in pristine condition except MP5, which is worn). Shots not registering is the most frustrating to me, I emptied a mag into someone from a few feet away and they beat me to death with their fists. And I completely agree with the thirst and hunger demand being ridiculous. I remember reading that the developers wanted to make the game as realistic as possible, but I don't know of anyone who cant walk 2 blocks without dying of thirst/hunger. It makes it a challenge, but its a sure fire way to make sure no-one wants to play if they cant even get to a house to loot without dying from thirst. I had to die three times before I was lucky enough to find water. PLEASE RE-DO THE INVENTORY! The inventory is a nightmare to manage!