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James Sherlock


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Is there a plan to show ping on the server list? I feel like that’s a pretty basic thing anymore. I can’t seem to find a single server where I’m not skipping around all over the place. It doesn’t seem to matter how I sort them either. I know it’s still just a game preview but like i said, showing ping seems like a pretty basic thing to have.

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You may want to knock some people off your internet bud. At 50mbps down and 20 up, I'm having a great experience. Frames drop occasionally. But only time I rubberband or skate is because server is coming down.

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7 hours ago, James Sherlock said:

Is there a plan to show ping on the server list? I feel like that’s a pretty basic thing anymore. I can’t seem to find a single server where I’m not skipping around all over the place. It doesn’t seem to matter how I sort them either. I know it’s still just a game preview but like i said, showing ping seems like a pretty basic thing to have.

Hi @James Sherlock

Make sure you are connecting to your nearest server. I cant remember off the top of my head where the servers are located without looking at the list but this will help.

Make sure things are not being downloaded whilst laying this will swallow up your bandwidth cause issues.


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Every server has a location. NL 366____, RU 366____, SG 366_____, US 366____


The first 2 letters are region codes

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