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A new "Virus" is in game spreading to the forums

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Misanthropic narcissists. They're everywhere.

They think everyone else is a sorry excuse for a human being, who cannot be trusted to do anything. They, however, are the only folks who are capable to do things, and are possibly the only human on the earth with any competence.

It seems to be some kind of pheneomenon; a western culture cancer.

Furthermore, they feel that a negative statement is always a correct statement - because if you're not negative, you're just too much of a moron to have noticed how stupid the other guy is.

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The elitism of the old guard is just as awful as the plague of noobs (myself included).

I guess OP misses the irony of his post.

"We're better because we were here first!"

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Thanks LoK for pointing out the obvious. Honestly it is just runoff from the cesspool that is 4chan. Sorry that I shoot everyone I see, I like hunting big game.

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I'm an old OFP' date=' VBS, Arma player and have been following the rise of DAYZ for quite some time.

It seems that there are far more instances of Megalodayzamania appearing in game and especially on these forums.

All the suffers of this:

1/ seem to insist that folk who don't play the game *their* way are idiots/morons/retards.

2/ Copy popular internet "memes" to reply to posts rather than coming up with any cogent argument or discourse.

3/Insist on pidgeon holing people into subgroups such as "Carebears" or "Bandits"

4/Focus on non relevant issues in threads rather than on the whole concept/topic.

5/Finally as with standard Megalomania have a super inflated opinion of them selves.





Just take a look on dices battlelog forums, this isn't just limited to dayz.

You may need a sick bag btw.

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Hullo there

@Neo, my pleasure. Always glad to help :) . Although, I will argue that 4Chan has been responsible for flashes of genius, I doubt we'll see the like here. But I'm no fan of the "chantastic" mindless reposters etc.

@Mutagen_7B4 Yes, i have experienced that particular cess pit, it's an awful awful place, but as DAYZ was Arma2 based I suppose I expected a little more maturity. Silly Me.



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I think there is a cure for this disease... I make a Gin and Tonic, throw in a lime, and shut down the message boards while i play DayZ ;)

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OP' date=' your points are valid and well thought-out. But, what is the purpose of this thread? Is it just to discuss the downfall of thought and intelligence. Or, was this posted for another reason?



Absolutely no reason for the post. Just an observation with a light hearted twist.

But this *is* one of the most angsty and Ego filled communities I've encountered (although I'm sure there are worse out there). I'm suprised the thread has so many replies, especially the "meh tiz the innernetz get over it" type.



you've obviously never been a part of the League of Legends community. have a look at the forum over here and let me know what you think.


@Mutagen_7B4 Yes, i have experienced that particular cess pit, it's an awful awful place, but as DAYZ was Arma2 based I suppose I expected a little more maturity. Silly Me.

You sound like an old guy angry at changes in society. You either adapt to your new surroundings or you get passed up or left behind.

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so that's why i hardly see any people ingame

thank god i got a good anti-virus :D

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To all the pompous asses in this thread busily congratulating themselves for being superior to the imagined majority:

1. You aren't.

2. You're confusing 'maturity' with humourless self-importance, they aren't the same thing and doing so reflects even more badly on you.

3. Telling others how they should use this forum is the only clear indicator of megalomania I see around here.

Thank you for your time

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To all the pompous asses in this thread busily congratulating themselves for being superior to the imagined majority:

1. You aren't.

2. You're confusing 'maturity' with humourless self-importance' date=' they aren't the same thing and doing so reflects even more badly on you.

3. Telling others how they should use this forum is the only clear indicator of megalomania I see around here.

Thank you for your time


Mandrake, I think that your post is a pretty good example of the type of issues that the OP was getting at!

OP made some valid observations. Thanks for yours!

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So memes are banned now? Could you sticky that so it's clear for all?

To all the pompous asses in this thread busily congratulating themselves for being superior to the imagined majority:

1. You aren't.

2. You're confusing 'maturity' with humourless self-importance' date=' they aren't the same thing and doing so reflects even more badly on you.

3. Telling others how they should use this forum is the only clear indicator of megalomania I see around here.

Thank you for your time


Mandrake, I think that your post is a pretty good example of the type of issues that the OP was getting at!

OP made some valid observations. Thanks for yours!

Don't worry, I won't ask you to explain how my post is a good example of the OP's points, because I'm sure you can't. But thanks for the non-specific input :)

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You sound like an old guy angry at changes in society. You either adapt to your new surroundings or you get passed up or left behind.

Hello there,

I like change, It's good and healthy, but I also like respect for other human beings.

I am old. I may have been left behind. But, for me, that's where I'd rather be.

I'm also surprised at the negativity this thread has bought, but also a little pleased that some folk *seem* quite nice chaps/chapesses.

Im not perfect in any way but really a bit more pleasantness/thought/intelligence in the forums wouldnt go amiss.



PS, Man hugs to everyone.

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So memes are banned now? Could you sticky that so it's clear for all?

This isn't reddit or 4chan. If you can't make your point without resorting to meme's you shouldn't be commenting on the subject in the first place.

you've obviously never been a part of the League of Legends community. have a look at the forum over here and let me know what you think.

That's no excuse for lowering ourselves to petty bickering and encouraging general douchebaggery.

Orlok, unfortunately you have to post at your own risk around here. We have a lot of misanthropes and entitled brats with superiority complexes. We try to weed out the worst types but the general attitude around here is very much in line with typical online gaming communities. (A fact I am not proud of, personally.)

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Don't worry' date=' I won't ask you to explain [i']how my post is a good example of the OP's points, because I'm sure you can't. But thanks for the non-specific input :)

Ain't certainty grand!!!

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General social commentary on the internet might be novel to Arma vets, but don't expect much change in any large game community like DayZ's. Otherwise the mods would be preaching a lot more.

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Not me' date=' my anti virus gets rid of all the Trolls, COD player, etc...


I think OP should have included 'bashing other games like COD' in his post! :P

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Hullo there

I wonder if the Yogcast "review" will increase or decrease this happening?



Perhaps more Threads and more Posts, but how could it be worse than what has already existed here? Hell, the amount of angst over the Yogscast video itself is about as angsty as one can get.

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I think there is a cure for this disease... I make a Gin and Tonic' date=' throw in a lime, and shut down the message boards while i play DayZ ;)


Same, makes life much nicer.

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