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Whoa arma 2 is baaad

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I was just gaining hope while playing this mod, seeing as the first bootcamp mission already bugged on me not being able to move while dragging a wounded person.

But seriously, some zombies appareantly heard me while i dropped down from somewhere of a height of 1,5 meters or so (it didn't make a sound so i wasn't sure) but there were ladders in the area so i decided to climb up a ladder and shoot them if if they would climb it chasing after me. But next thing i know when i'm up on the platform (somekind of factory building) i glitched throuch the fucking fence and fall on the ground and break my legs.

Seriously this shit is bugged as hell.

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It's alpha what do you expect? I really hope you decide to quit though, we don't want people like you in our community. You should stick to playing Call of Duty.

I really don't understand why people complains about bugs, it's not even beta yet. What you should do is help the crew out and report the bugs to help improve the game. Whining won't do anything.

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Yes, that's why is called Alpha test...but surely it got less bugs than Fallout 3 (and other titles) when it was released as final product.

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Wow i just dont get people posting bug rage, please quit. please please please dont come back

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The thing with arma is that although you can do fancy things, you would be best off not trying.

For example climbing a massive ladder to get up a crane or transmitter, it is possible but there is a risk that you will fall off either by a bug or glitchy ladder interface.

Don't bother trying to mountain climb like in Skyrim, you will fall and break your legs and/or die.

Just don't risk it.

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It's alpha what do you expect? I really hope you decide to quit though' date=' we don't want people like you in our community. You should stick to playing Call of Duty.

I really don't understand why people complains about bugs, it's not even beta yet. What you should do is help the crew out and report the bugs to help improve the game. Whining won't do anything.


How is it alpa if arma 2 is already out since 2010, i know the mod is alpha but the engine certainly is not. How hard is it to make a game with normal collisions. I'm not saying it's easy to make, but for a game that claims to be realistic it's not even 1% what it claims to be regarding physics. This complaint has nothing do with this mod (then why post it here, well because im too lazy to register at the bohemia forum)

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Arma games have always been a complete mess technically.

Hopefully Arma 3 will be different, but I somehow doubt it.

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Arma games have always been a complete mess technically.


anyone denying that is just a fanboy

arma 2 has a lot of great gameplay ideas but the engine is pretty much a joke bug-wise

my buddy and i attempted to play through the chernarus campaign and on any long mission our saves would always become corrupted and force us to start missions over endlessly, which eventually just led to us becoming fed up and quitting

it's a shame because it's really fun :/

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Arma games have always been a complete mess technically.


anyone denying that is just a fanboy

arma 2 has a lot of great gameplay ideas but the engine is pretty much a joke bug-wise

my buddy and i attempted to play through the chernarus campaign and on any long mission our saves would always become corrupted and force us to start missions over endlessly' date=' which eventually just led to us becoming fed up and quitting

it's a shame because it's really fun :/


Many of the bugs are related to no real physics. The leg breaking, killing doors, man eating rocks. Also the zombies would be much better modeled with their senses if we had actual physics.

But luckily ArmA 3 will use PhysX 3.

Savegames were never working really good. They are not even supported by dedicated servers.

ArmA is still the best engine for what it is trying to do. If you do not like it play other MASSIVE SCALE 2x2km map games like BF3.

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you had such a reasonable reply going there and then ruined it with some trite GO PLAY BF3 LOLS bullshit

for shame ;)

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^alienfreak; How battlefield 3 compareable to arma? =p Also, have you ever played bf3? The shotguns and snipers are bullshit. Snipers only one-shot someone with a headshot, and well shotguns are better but they're also nerfed pretty bad instead of being mostly a one-shot weapon.

Anyway, I guess every game has it's flaws. But then again i believe dice doesn't even listen to people while bohemia actually tries.

(lol@ Refried, i agree xD. No seriously stop telling acting like everyone is a "bf3 noob" or however you realism junkies want to refer to them you're not actually really being better than those kids there raging about shit)

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^alienfreak; How battlefield 3 compareable to arma? =p Also' date=' have you ever played bf3? The shotguns and snipers are bullshit. Snipers only one-shot someone with a headshot, and well shotguns are better but they're also nerfed pretty bad instead of being mostly a one-shot weapon.

Anyway, I guess every game has it's flaws. But then again i believe dice doesn't even listen to people while bohemia actually tries.

(lol@ Refried, i agree xD. No seriously stop telling acting like everyone is a "bf3 noob" or however you realism junkies want to refer to them you're not actually really being better than those kids there raging about shit)


I own BF3 with Kark and CQ.

Its just like every second threat in these forums is ZOMG LOOK I DIED TO A TREE ARMA 2 IS SO SHIT!!!!

you had such a reasonable reply going there and then ruined it with some trite GO PLAY BF3 LOLS bullshit

for shame

So someone starts up a (free unsupported) mod for ArmA 2. A zombie maybe sees him while he drops down somewhere or hears him (the audible system is currently based on speed and underground not on audible sounds you hear).


Then he climbs up somewhere and glitches through the metal handguards.


And you really expect someone would not tell them to go look at freaking pieces of sh1t people sell for 60 dollars plus 15 plus 15 plus whatever which have tiny freaking maps and still as many bugs as ArmA 2?


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I was just gaining hope while playing this mod' date=' seeing as the first bootcamp mission already bugged on me not being able to move while dragging a wounded person.

But seriously, some zombies appareantly heard me while i dropped down from somewhere of a height of 1,5 meters or so (it didn't make a sound so i wasn't sure) but there were ladders in the area so i decided to climb up a ladder and shoot them if if they would climb it chasing after me. But next thing i know when i'm up on the platform (somekind of factory building) i glitched throuch the fucking fence and fall on the ground and break my legs.

Seriously this shit is bugged as hell.


How is ARMA2 game is related to an alpha mod? COD kiddy?

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ARMA 2 is clunky and MEH..

probably why all the rage is now ARMA 3.. the masses finally gave ARMA 2 a legit try with this mod and turns out it's pretty terrible..

"oh let me go up these stairs WHOA TELEPORT TO THE FRONT OF THE STAIRS.. oh whoops teleport broke.. AHHHH FALL TO MY DEATH"

i mean seriously. even the shittiest games in the world have seamless stair climbing.. It's not that difficult of a thing to do, but it's just 1 thing that highlights the overall clunkyness and unfinished project that is ARMA 2

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The MOD as it stands is what you make of it, if you cannot make anything from it then perhaps you have been playing the wrong games, or the right games with the wrong attitude.

ARMA II Single player does suck. The AI in that game is too auto bot for my liking, which is why I chose to master Vehicle Combat or try online play. Try the Aircraft's in the armoury and you'll see what I mean, give it time.

The rage with Arma 3 for me is the chance that DayZ will fully integrated into the game, so it won't have MOD status which explodes the chances for gaming possibilities.

Please stick around. Grow as a gamer and as a DayZ survivor. The modern online gaming generation would benefit as a result.


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Hey you get what you get.

If you want a flawless experience you're better off with those scripted AAA mainstream shooters developed for console controllers. They are smooth as silk, because what you can actually do is very limited and they blow half the budget on marketing.

If you want something a little more complicated than a rail shooter, you have to find an indie developer and accept some hickups. If you can't maybe you should stay with the arcade shooters, who can afford advertising on TV.

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Everyone who played ARMA 2 before DayZ knows and is aware of the glitches / bugs that can happen, especially with objects and collision detection. Most players are used to it and overlook how buggy it seems to be to anyone not familiar with the game.

Stairs, Rocks, Doors, Ladders even Walls have always been an issue. Especially on Chernarus many objects are not well placed or optimized, if you check out Takistan map, almost all collision issues with world object models are gone.

I'd even wager to say that the issues many people are experiencing is not ARMA 2 per se, but the map & 3D models used in Chernarus.

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some people are clearly too stupid to realize that the game as big and complicated as ARMA2 (being an open sandbox) cant be as polished as stupid scripted corridor shooter for xbox360. Get new brains

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ARMA 2 is clunky and MEH..

probably why all the rage is now ARMA 3.. the masses finally gave ARMA 2 a legit try with this mod and turns out it's pretty terrible..

"oh let me go up these stairs WHOA TELEPORT TO THE FRONT OF THE STAIRS.. oh whoops teleport broke.. AHHHH FALL TO MY DEATH"

i mean seriously. even the shittiest games in the world have seamless stair climbing.. It's not that difficult of a thing to do' date=' but it's just 1 thing that highlights the overall clunkyness and unfinished project that is ARMA 2


Stairs, unless you want to crawl them, work perfectly every time.

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