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How do you use a can opener on baked beans 


How the fk did this game cost so much

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I haven’t found a can opener yet, they seem to be rare in my travels. I assume they would work like the axe did for me, equip it in your hand then stand over or near the can and it should give you the prompt to open it. Might not be the right way but that’s what I’ve been doing lol.

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People probably reporting so many problems that aren't problems and just game mechanics.

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4 hours ago, Baroni88 said:

People probably reporting so many problems that aren't problems and just game mechanics.

Agreed, I played this on pc, and it runs pretty damn smooth on here, I like it alot I just wish we had like a gamepedia site like how the PC has, because I would love to see the master list of items and features accessible on the console version 

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