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Sterlyng Shane-kyler Roehrig

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About Sterlyng Shane-kyler Roehrig

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  1. Sterlyng Shane-kyler Roehrig

    Livonia thirst

  2. Sterlyng Shane-kyler Roehrig

    Most likely going to cancel our 100 slot public community server.

    Is that your server?
  3. Sterlyng Shane-kyler Roehrig

    Most likely going to cancel our 100 slot public community server.

    Actually no not really, i scroll through like every page looking for good high slot pub servers most people do
  4. Sterlyng Shane-kyler Roehrig

    Still no ARs after update.

    You guys play on the wrong servers then my man, idk what else to say, i play on orivates that are always medium to high with 100 slots, meaning like 60-90 people and i still find plenty of guns
  5. Sterlyng Shane-kyler Roehrig

    Still no ARs after update.

    The private server i play on is usually medium to high with 100 slots, so no that would and should apply to me too, but even so ive found over a few dozen ars on it, its honestly just luck and timing, maybe someone is just always beating you there and looting before you are? Ive been there as the guy who cleaned up before others before then used the empty building as bait lol
  6. Sterlyng Shane-kyler Roehrig

    Gun Spawns

    This ^ im finding lots of guns, the other day i found 2 m4s in a bathroom, minutes after leaving the barracks i saw 2 guys run into that building to loot from another i was in, a few minutes later and those 2 m4s wouldve been theirs
  7. Sterlyng Shane-kyler Roehrig

    Weapon spawn bug?

    Plus there no such thing as a low pop public server right now 😂😂 their all packed to the limit, frikin 10-20 minute qeues
  8. Sterlyng Shane-kyler Roehrig

    Gun Spawns

    On a private, but yeah, its definitely 100% fact
  9. Sterlyng Shane-kyler Roehrig

    Gun Spawns

    Yeah and i also find it hard to believe that if player stash weapons that they count, i found 3 m4s, 4 ak 74s, 2 ak 101s, and an akm, all within about a day and a half of looting nwaf
  10. Sterlyng Shane-kyler Roehrig

    Gun Spawns

    Loot cycling, its actually very efficient, not to mention it doesnt really ruin the economy as much as duping does
  11. Sterlyng Shane-kyler Roehrig


    Bro, what? He just said none of its paid go read what impulz said lmao already crying about microtransactions the second they mention new content
  12. Sterlyng Shane-kyler Roehrig

    Still no ARs after update.

    Im playing in privates
  13. Sterlyng Shane-kyler Roehrig

    Still no ARs after update.

    Checkpoint on the road? The far west one? You can still get aks there
  14. Sterlyng Shane-kyler Roehrig

    Still no ARs after update.

    Yeah guns in crates is normal
  15. Sterlyng Shane-kyler Roehrig

    Still no ARs after update.

    Yeah its myshkino, but i know where that is im just suprised you got an m4 there, i just found 2 in the bathroom of a NWAF L barrack