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Are there just less weapons out there?

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The few times I've spawned I've tried a range of approaches but only one of my lives have I ever managed to find any weapons/ammo (shortly before being shot in the back on my first play through).

One time I went through two days of gameplay hoping from town to town sneaking past zombies not to find anything and break my legs/bleed out via a glitch in a doorway.

Are there just less guns around? I look on youtube and people seem to find weapons just lying around left, right and center in the bigger towns. All I find is junk, literally I went through elektro yesterday and short of the hospital didn't find any food/weapons in any of the main buildings.

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Were you looking at the right spots? Barracks, Hangars, Fire Stations, Offices, Supermarkets, Churches and Deer Stands?

Did the last server still have Zs?

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Yeah i know what you mean but believe me ur gonna get an eye for it.

By now i have an AK and supllies after 1h and full blood but only because i know where to search , my personal tip to start is to look fpr deer stands.

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Yeah It did, the church, as an example was full of tin cans and JD bottles. The fire stations/train stations/supermarkets were similar fare. On my last play through I hit up the deerstands and had 13 different types of ammo at one through doing that.. I took them thinking 'if I find a weapon I want to be able to flippin' well use it' and then I found a piddly m1911 and hadn't come across any ammo for that gun.

The worst bit was in the smaller towns people had strung up barbed wire everywhere.

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I have only been playing a few days myself but...

To obtain said weapons

1. Stay away from Zombies or go prone and take your time.

2. You only need supermarkets for the survival basics, which you can find in other supermarkets in villages or smaller towns rather than the two biggies where every shoot on site type player is waiting to do you in the back.

3. You may if you are lucky find a Winchester or alternative in said supermarket.

4. To obtain a decent weapon, loot a few essentials then gtfo off the coast and head up into the country, check dayzmap.info for deer hut locations where with a minor bit of fortune you should find yourself a nice AK or equivalent. Whilst on your way to said deer hut, dont run across open fields, crouch & run through the tree lines. Just remember that near some deer huts you will find a few zombies waiting. And if you do happen to see a Heli crash site, go prone and watch it for a minute or two and check tree line for snipers!

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Barns and cowsheds, my friend. Barns. And cowsheds.

Hit enough of those and you'll always, always find a shotgun, or a Leeroy Enfield.

Oddly enough, I find that deestands rarely spawn weapons now. Hit three in the last hour or so - in pretty isolated locations - and only found beans, chemlights and ammo.

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Well All I cant say is it happens.

Eventually you will see which places have had player presence.

If you know what loot SHOULD be there, and all you find is can piles, YOU COULD do the next player a favor, pick them all up and throw them away, come back in 20-60mins and VOILA! new loot! however if the tin can piles remain in the loot spot, no new loot will spawn till the server resets.

So.. Basically, everyone else already looted the stuff you are searching.

Eventually youll get an eye for that.(What should be at your location versus what you find at your location)

Always when I come home from work, at 7pm the server I frequent resets, which is brilliant cause i get some decent loots for awhile then :D

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Thanks core.- that resembles what I've been seeing quite a bit. Literally some buildings were full of trash i.e the church and the supermarket I was checking out. I remember my first play through and crawling past all those Z's to find a decent pistol/ak map, binoculars, watch and a ton of food/water can. Couldn't believe my luck, shame I didn't think some players would want it for themselves or just fancied shooting me. I' logged out in town so I'm hoping tonight I'll have more luck if I do another round robin otherwise I'm going have to do something drastic to get some food/water.

Atleast with all those empty JD bottles I can draw off zombies that are a little too close to possible loot sites.

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