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Deadboy (DayZ)

Better HUDless mode

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For what they're worth, I miss the old text messages in the lower left a lot. They made a mostly HUDless DayZ experience possible in the first place.

That, combined with only seeing all your stats when you open the inventory. Now this could be instead bound to show up with the hotkey bar instead, because that can be enabled or disabled while running, so you can check your health while on the go.

It's not that I don't like these status icons, but they're either always there, or always hidden. And just having text in the bottom corner of the screen makes it so much more natural. When I feel sick, "a rumble in my bowels" just sounds a lot more convincing than, say, a blinking tummy.

  • Beans 1

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yea,,,first i thought that icons are better but now after playing offline,i prefer the text more...
maybe in future we could have same as long dark has...

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