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Infected Life Cycles

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Will there be some sort of system which virtually tracts their movements and life cycles?  They would remain despawned from the map until a player comes into range at which point they will spawn physically into the world and continue to follow their life cycle and normal PvE behavior.  As soon as no players are within range they would be despawned again and tracked by a virtual system.

I wonder if it could also be part of their migration cycles.  In example.  Theres a lot of cities to the west of Chernarus which are inaccessible to the player.  It would be safe to assume most would migrate from west to east seeing that infected are drawn to light and the sun rises in the east.  Once "in" South Zagoria, infected will begin to randomly travel until they stumble upon cities, light sources, herds, or noises such as generators where they start to settle and gather.  This could also be subject to cites which haven't been visited by player for a long time.  The tracking system would know if player proximity to a city is less then 24 hours, and if the number of current infected under certain amount it would virtually spawn more infected.  This would allow for a more natural feel to the infected.  You could leave an area and then return to find the same infected as before rather than a bunch of random spawns.


Edited by gorvi

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it seems to me like I've read this before ... \ (^^) /

joke aside.

In general, the idea of a walking direction of the infected sounds good. However, the "infected" would have to be everywhere, and not, as now, only in "civilizations".

The demarcation to the Debugzone would therefore make sense with wolves or bears. However, exactly these "border AI" would have to be very dangerous, otherwise they would only be exploited again ... "hey, I know where we find wolf meat". This AI has to tear off your ass and that hard. (Rejected are some buildings near the border, like the sawmill northwest of Stary Yar).

That's why I like the idea of @chambersenatorbersenator with the on / off_damage_trigger version a bit better / easier / and death-sure and no_exploitable.

Edited by Sqeezorz

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5 minutes ago, Sqeezorz said:

would have to be very dangerous, otherwise they would only be exploited again

I agree with this.  I would expect wildlife to be more in the quiet areas of the map which makes the boarders such a good spot to begin with. Otherwise, the majority of AI encountered there would be infected with the wildlife being quite rare like they normally should be.  This makes sense from a immersive standpoint as well if infected are migrating to South Zagoria from the north and west.


I know wildlife is to have their own life cycles and migration patterns which means they could follow the same migration as the infected.  Infected are pushing wildlife out from central Chernarus and driving them toward the coast.

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