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Robert Picard

Arma Arma 2 and Dayz mod

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I have purchased Arma, Arma 2, Dayz Mod, early access beta i have not been able to play for years and i changed my computer and even my early access is blanked out and I cant seem to play with all three games and I am not a computer technician so I have no idea how to combine the data to play Someone please assist me so I might play I think I proved myself more then interested and right now I feel like a chump who was robbed of the cost of all four games. 

Robert Picard 




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DayZ doesn't require any other games to play.

What error(s) are you getting, or what are you trying to do that isn't working?

Edited by Dancing.Russian.Man

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have arma 2, arma 2 oa and dayz mod installed. launch arma 2 exit, arma 2 oa exit, then launch dayz mod from steam

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