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Alexandr Dorosh


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Hello, return back the choice of system 32 or 64, not all the same powerful computers! After your update, everything starts to hang, because it automatically puts 64 bit Windows, while constantly playing on 32

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It will only use 64 bit if your CPU / OS are 64 bit I would assume. And that should be a good thing because it's a faster architecture and allows you to use more than a total of 4 GB of memory (that is RAM and VRAM combined).

If you have a 64 bit CPU but a 32 bit OS I would recommend you change to a 64 bit OS because you will benefit from it.

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You can still play 32bit on a 64bit OS, DayZ. Create a shortcut from the Steam directory (DayZ.exe). Remember, however, the error may arise that the team will not fix. It is logical to start the DayZ version which is optimal for your system. If your DayZ runs better with 32bit than with 64bit then check out your components and drivers. (I have Win7 / 64 and no problems ... ok the game crashes ... but very rarely)

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