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priit mölder


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With the 1.8.9 patch you need screws to build bases. I get it, its a logical step and keeps survival looting going

What I dont get is the removal of trains? Industrials share spawn with car repair parts and other consumables. Making the spawnrate of screws incredibly low.

I did a statistical farming and got 10 boxes of screws for 50 boxes of nails. And yes, NAILS still spawn aswell. This amount was after 2 days (8 server restarts) of constant rotation around in an area. This statistic was made on UK420 Vanilla+ server with added locations in Berezino Trainyard+docks. With the highest concentration of any industrial loot place: 4 big warehouses, 6 shacks and 12 traincars in 500m radius. Total about 50 possible lootspawns. Also, the spawns rotated 2 times per refresh, making the possible spawn rate 1/200.

On a server with humanity system, there is an incentive for bandit level farming. This concentrates players to a few areas and increases the rate of bandits simply KOS for negative humanity.

Base building should not be easy, but making the parts spawn in areas that will be abused for other game mechanics kind of defeats the porpoise.

How can you loot, if you get killed KOS for negative humanity and you find maybe 1-2 boxes of screws  after a LONG time. Its not even an effective survival looting balance for players who kill for loot either


Its not the case of the system being bad. Its a case of balance. Return trains or up the screw spawn rates for warehouses to spread out the risks.

Bandits/KOS looters should work for the negative humanity/possible loot too!



Edited by priit mölder

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And before people get butthurt and calling me a hoarder: all screws were given to base builders. 8 screws were looted by 2 bandit team. Lost 2 boxes due to a backpack glitch tho.
I farmed for 4 days (16 restarts) and totaled 23 boxes. I farmed different locations to access density and respawn rates.

No. 1: Berez trainstation and docks

No.2: Solnicnoye and factory

No.3: Cherno/electro industrial complexes.

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At least some of the trains were removed due to glitches. As far as screws, the rarity was by design to make bases harder to build/maintain and reduce the mega, multi-ringed, impossible to penetrate bases.  The start of maintenance was changed from 7 days to 14 days.  23 boxes in 4 days doesn't sound that bad. 

What is "bandit level farming"? and not sure how you mean the "spawns rotated 2 time per refresh"?

There are many other places to visit, loot respawns every 10 or 15 minutes and loot spawn is a double-random (chance that anything will spawn and chance that specific items will spawn). 

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Yes, building parts should be rare. 

But on the server I play, there is a guy who blows up bases for fun. And serverlogs show he gets satchels totally legit. 

Bandit level farming: on a server with Loadout box feature, people tend to forget the survival aspect and kill for the sake of getting high level bandit gear. I mean, you get to be a bandit with good gear alot faster, than becoming a hero. -2000 per kill to level for a bandit and medium 200 per good "deed" for a hero. But then again, im ranting about a mod "add-on" :)

I made the loot respawn rate assumption, because I was rotating around an area about 2-3 times per refresh. On this server it was set after every 3 hrs. 

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Trains have not been removed, Just reduced in number. You're not playing on a vanilla dayz mod server so I have no clue what's added or not added on your server. For balance issues I suggest you send your feedback to your server owner instead.

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