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priit mölder

1.8.9 yellow question mark on server list

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Steam updated Dayz Mod yesterday and all servers went red. Kicked when connecting

After fiddiling to 1.8.8, I could get to the lobby, but after 1-2 seconds I would get kicked. Smaller mission files would load and I could even get to recevieving but then still kicked

Downloaded the clientfiles from the forum, still the same thing. 

All servers have yellow dot with question mark. Only difference is: I run 1.6.3 and the requirement is patch. 

What is the deal, people?


All addons have 1.8.9 keys, Keys folder has 1.8.9 key...

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The mod released version 1.8.9, so it will take a while for all servers to update. In the mean time your client files need to match whatever server you are trying to play on. You can do that via steam (arma2:dayzmod -> properties -> betas), no need to manually download.

Likewise, arma2 and arma2oa should be automatically updated by steam.


I suspect a mismatch of your client with the server.

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The problem was with the Steam 1.8.8 semi-patch. Mod creators rolled out a security update via Steam before 1.8.9.

I downloaded 1.8.9 client files from the forums and everything works again. Servers have yellow question mark icons, but they work

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