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No wonder people hack!!

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Ya i forgot the allmighty door at the militarycamp south of balota

Open door -> Got smashed at wall - unconscious + bleed + broken legs

Since that happen i never open doors again i walk around it

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I've been lucky enough to never get owned by a door yet, holy crap batman!

However, I once did this cool test, do a 360 in a doorway laying down and see how many times you can go unconscious/break bones in a full rotation. I think it's like 2 breaks per full rotation lol.

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Thanks for replies!

I understand its a alpha 100% and I know its pretty stupid to rage a tad but yea I had to say something.. I didn't actually mention any leg-breaking but when I saw the replies mentioning leg-breaking I instantly laughed cause I get my legs-broken so many times xD

Lol @ the rabbit!

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Keep using hackers as scapegoats guys. Blame all your problems on the people who like to learn things you don't know. Because, you know, there's no way it could be one of the millions of normal, immature, ignorant people who don't know better than to get busted by battleye for drawing dicks on the map with live grenades that got their hands on readily available tools. The same morons who regularly spam up the forums with zero-punctuation threads about how much they hate Day Z, and clearly have the numbers, motive, and lack of restraint for this sort of thing; no, it couldn't be them.

Because if that were the case, you wouldn't have a faceless minority to blame all of your problems on; we couldn't have that, could we?

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It's almost like this is an ALPHA build of a MOD.

Oh wait, IT IS.

Fucking babies.

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Those who use hacks are feeble brainless piece of sh1t. There are no excuses. My friends had firefight with hackers, who used teleport and gear spawning. They died but before that they've managed to kill those hackers multiple times. That's explain pretty much everything. Hackers are too much derp to play without unfair advantage.

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Keep using hackers as scapegoats guys. Blame all your problems on the people who like to learn things you don't know. Because' date=' you know, there's no way it could be one of the millions of normal, immature, ignorant people who [i']don't know better than to get busted by battleye for drawing dicks on the map with live grenades that got their hands on readily available tools. The same morons who regularly spam up the forums with zero-punctuation threads about how much they hate Day Z, and clearly have the numbers, motive, and lack of restraint for this sort of thing; no, it couldn't be them.

Because if that were the case, you wouldn't have a faceless minority to blame all of your problems on; we couldn't have that, could we?

So much wrong with this, where to start ?

Ok for one lets have a little lesson on definitions of things in regards to the internet and gaming specifically, in a video game a "hacker" is not a "smart person who likes to explore the possibilities and capabilities of hardware and software, often finding out new ways to use the same hardware or software for often unintended purposes".

A "hacker" in a video game, is defined as some dickhead who has payed and downloaded a program written by someone else who uses this to gain an unfair advantage in the game, often this is in the form of "aim bots, wall hacks, ESP, damage reduction / mitigation, and so on".

Regardless of the background of someone who cheats in an online game, they are still just cheats, so if they do it because they are angry at the game or mod, or if they do it because they get a thrill, or because they are just trolling, it still amounts to the same thing at the end of the day.

A cheat, and liar.

Do not confuse the two, we can argue semantics, but in the video game "world" the term has come to be associated with being a cheater.

If you want to "have a go" at the DayZ community in general, then don't try to disguise it through some pretense of being a "hacker" who is offended by the communities references and wishes to fight back.

Some one who DDos's in not a "Hacker" by any stretch of the word either, they are simply "script kiddies", this term is used to describe someone who is either young or young in the head, who downloads "scripts", usually things like python/perl scripts, (see SlowLoris and others), and uses them to attack servers, most times they use a botnet, but I won't go into a long winded explanation of that right now.

So don't hide behind being something your not, just say so if you think the community sucks.......

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Don't ever look at a bunny man.. NEVER, i've heard some weird shit coming from the hermits in the woods. They say of a tale not long ago that a bunny named Joe got raped by a zombie. He became oh god i can't say it he became....... I don't remember the last part so i kinda just dont look at bunnies anymore you shouldn't either.. Just kill it take the meat and go.

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Also obligatory Alpha stage.

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Happens to me all the time, so?

It's Alpha, I laugh it off and carry on..

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Here is my story..

Walk next to barbed wire... DIED

Get out of a boat... DIED

Logged on... DIED


Rabbit faces me... DEAD

Change server.. OH HELLO WILDERNESS...

My character is now in the wilderness with no gear.. he has all of his stats.. (zombie kills' date=' murders etc) but no loot. Awesome!?

Had the guy for days and lost:


m16a Acog with lots of ammo

coyote backpack

and a whole heap of tools..


I dont mind dieing in a gun fight.. but dieing from the above.. seriously..

So like I said before, no wonder people hack.

Thank you for reading.



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yup we've got some vicious trees in dayz, and btw wtf were u looking at it? that will teach u not to look at a tree next time

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Find the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch and your rabbit problems will be over.

As for the trees, you might want to speak with Rocket, he's from New Zealand [Middle Earth] so maybe he can have a talk with Treebeard about dealing with them.

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Only one tear was used at point of death..

But I cried for a few hours when dem rabbits killed meh..

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Awww, how adorable...


( . .)



Cursed rodent! I KILL YOU!!!

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I hate whiners like your. Is that you first time this is happening or what? It has happened to endless times. The difference between you and me is that you have to go to the forum and whine about it.


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I hate whiners like your. Is that you first time this is happening or what? It has happened to endless times. The difference between you and me is that you have to go to the forum and whine about it.


Great effort. 10 pts

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I've never even been hurt from barbed wire, even when i run at it in attempts to jump over it. haha never knew it's actually meant to kill you..

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