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despair (DayZ)

well this game got boring fast

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This, my friend, is why you must take your time and go slow, play stealthily as if this were a real life situation! Server hopping isn't possible in real life, is it?

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Well don't server hop then? I have the ability to cheat in nearly every single player game I've come across (cheat codes exist for almost every game these days), but do I? Nah, rather play games on the hardest difficulty even if I have to die/reload saves alot.

If you cheat (server hopping is an exploit, rocket said it himself), then you're only cheating yourself (out of fun).

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Weird, all of this guy's post are well, Complaints, trolling about exploits, rantage, permanent brain damage, heart attack, death, seizure, stroke, kidney failure, kidney infection, monkey butt, acid reflex, swimming like a cheetah.. Now im just naming side effects.

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OP is right tho, every Barrack/Military tent seems to be looted by a server hopper to the point that it's just not worth taking your high level gear there.

I haven't found anything good in barracks through playing this mod for 5 weeks. So I gave up on the Airfield and build cars now, to drive around Chernarus and find Helicopters.

Which seems to be way easier way of getting high level gear. Just yesterday I found about 8 Helicopters without a car. In a very close proximity of each other. 2 of them were 100 meters apart.

Now I have;




Ghillie Suit

All possible tools, except GPS.

Alice Backpack full of supplies.

And all that gained in just one day.

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server hopping = able to get any and every equipment = boooooooooooooring

server hopping rarely nets you the high end military grade stuff unless you get really lucky hitting a server that hasnt already been hit or loading in to someone pointing a gun at you.

Don't worry eventually when they add a timer to D/Cing people will prolly cut down on the amount they server hop when exposed for 1+min.

Plus who says you have to server hop? get the good gear then go have fun with it (shoot server hoppers!).

also next patch with the addition of bear traps you can bet every barracks room will have one in them lolz.

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you're only cheating yourself (out of fun).

Well said. Anyway the best loot is found at chopper crash sites so feel free wasting your time and enjoyment server hopping whilst I have a great time finding sweet loot with my friends.

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server hopping = able to get any and every equipment = boooooooooooooring

Bye, you won't be missed

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server hopping = able to get any and every equipment = boooooooooooooring

hmm getting gear isnt the goal of this game, its just the means, now that u have good gear (btw good gear would be NVG/GPS/M4A1 SD/Gillie/AS50/Coyote Backpack) go kill stuff thats when this game becomes really good

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