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Leather crafting

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What's your thoughts on leather crafting requirements?

In my opinion having to use a barrel severely limits players who like the leather clothing since barrels get hoarded quickly by pvpers. What would be a different solution to crafting leather without making it too easy?


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I like to craft myself, and don't have issues finding a barrel really if I am honest. An alternate way could be to possibly "dry out" the leather, they do this in The Long Dark, but it might be difficult to implement in DayZ, just a general idea though.

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11 hours ago, Kirov (DayZ) said:

Barrels get hoarded by pvpers? Really?

I'm not being sarcastic, I'm genuinely surprised. Really?

Oh yes. I have several DayZ friends that are always looking for barrels to stash milgear in. They pretty much don't bother with finding and setting up tents. However now that I think about it, maybe I can use their barrels...BAZINGA! xd

Seriously though, I would like to replace the barrel with something else or add another method with different drawbacks.

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