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A Word To The Wise: What Is He???

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Hello fellow bandits. I have started this thread to share a weird occurance that I have recently noticed. While im trekking through the woods to my tent I have felt a prescence with me. Usually I feel this all the time (thanks to this mods errie sound track) but this time was different.

I scanned the area and saw no one. However once I reached my tent and was pulling my MP5 out a man was right behind me. I was scared shitless. I whirled around and unloaded a whole mag into him. But to my surprise he didnt die. I then typed:

"who the hell are you?"

No response.

I proceeded to run away. After running a good 10 minutes i turned around and noticed he was gone.

I went back to my tent and noticed 2 of my 4 morphine packs were missing. I shrugged it off as i was glad to be still alive. I dont know what or who that thing was but every time I killed 5-8 people I would see that man in the distance just watching me. And everytime I look back he inches himself closer until run for miles.

So to warn my fellow bandits watch out for these strange occurances.

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No... that was me. sorry Im addicted to morph and the shirt my grandma knitted for the winter is also bullet and jackass proof

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I was reading this thread and I had to register just to propose the idea that just popped into my mind.

Wouldn't it be interesting if after many murders a bandit slowly starts to go insane? Seeing hallucinations such as the "man" for example.

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Yeah... You just ruined a great myth bro WITH FUCKIN LOGIC!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I've seen this late one night. My mate had logged off, and I was still atop Cherno with a CZ550 and a stockpile of ammo. I saw an unarmed guy walking down the road to the right of the international. It's the longest, straight road you can take.

He was weaponless, packless. His face was like he was dead... a glitched standing body as happens now and then. But he was moving. His face was aimed at me, or the sign near me. I found it curious, sure... but not scary. I shot him. The round struck him in the kidney, blood poured out. He didn't drop, so I put a follow up in his chest. Now, the CZ is trusty enough to drop someone after two rounds. It didn't. He walked on. I fired again and again, scoring a broken leg and a shot to the head. He crawled on. I put another mag in the gun, and fired five more rounds into him.

At this time, he looked like a grotesque little thing, crawling toward me. Fountains of blood shot out of him as he inched toward me. I figured he was lagging, or something as he crawled out of sight and I ignored him.

An hour later, and Cherno free of shore-bait... I went for food and found him. He was 10-20m away from the ladder. Waiting for me. Blood still cheesy and flowing from him. He attempted to crawl after me into the city, but quickly lost me.

Haven't seen him since.

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