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Would it be possible to have linked subservers in a server?

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Hello guys!

I'm a hardcore player since my first DayZ day, always went for the realism that this game offers. I found great servers where this can be played (both rp and non-rp).

Some of them have a permadeath rule (your character dies, you have to "forget" everything). But I found that this isn't always enforced, and even the biggest rp/hc players tend to make exceptions from time to time to it (specially after a salty battle lol).

This somehow makes you play knowing that if you die, it will not affect you so much, specially if you have a base or stashes with the gear you like to carry.

Thinking about this a couple of days ago, an idea came to mind: What if hc/rp servers had the possibility to host several linked subservers, which could become the different server universes? They could all be slightly different one from another (different environmental settings), and every time a player dies in one universe, he can only respawn in another (random) one, making him literally lose every connection,knowledge,item from his past life.

This way players would rotate between the subservers, also letting servers to host more players (depending on the subserver quantity).

I wanted to discuss this idea in Suggestions 

But the topic was ignored. Leaving me with the questions I've regarding this issue. 

Is this possible? Would servers want to implement something alike? Would players want to play in a servers like that?

Or i'm just daydreaming? lol

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Your question is straight forward and as far as I understand it is a reality already.

I, myself, am willing to fire up a PRIVATE SHARD SLAVE server that will link to a PRIVATE SHARD MASTER server as an alternate experience for players who are allowed to use it.

Basically, a pass worded Private server can have multiple slaves on it's Shard so you can have the master set up as a PVP/PVE experience and then another one for PVE only or one set up as an RP "Farmers and Fishermen" or whatever else you would like.

So yes....your wish will eventually come true. The key is to find a reliable and enthusiastic bunch of guys who already have a good player base on a Private Server and then see if they would be receptive to adding a slave server into the mix.

(remember that one of the cool things about this setup is the fact that your character is saved across ALL of the servers within the Master Shard.)

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Seems like it could be accomplished by having multiple servers on a shard and just banning a player from one of those servers when they die. But it sounds like a pain in the ass from the admin side, and groups will ultimately ruin it when one of their members dies and suddenly everyone in the group knows where their individual stash is without having been told during that character's life.

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4 hours ago, Funkmaster Rick said:

Seems like it could be accomplished by having multiple servers on a shard and just banning a player from one of those servers when they die. But it sounds like a pain in the ass from the admin side, and groups will ultimately ruin it when one of their members dies and suddenly everyone in the group knows where their individual stash is without having been told during that character's life.

yup the stashes location disclosure would be a thing, but a well armed group would not benefit a lot from some extra akm's or mp4s :). 

The only way that I see to counter this, would be to assign a stash to a player ID and once the player dies, all the persistence with his ID is wiped from the server. 

4 hours ago, philbur said:

(remember that one of the cool things about this setup is the fact that your character is saved across ALL of the servers within the Master Shard.)

But the thing is that there shouldn't be character persistence between the subservers o.O. I mean, players should not know what's the ID of their subserver, and they should login to it when they connect to the master automatically. 

As Funkmaster said, once a player dies in his subserver, he would be banned from it for let's say 15 days (to avoid suicides to get to the last server). 

It's cool to read that it's possible even today tho. I thought that the game wouldn't offer so much control to servers in terms of players management.

Edited by exwoll

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ahhh...gotcha... I did not catch what you meant by permadeath being a focus.

I would imagine that a quick script in the login list to deny a normally allowed player to login after a death message is logged would be straight forward AFTER the Server Admin tools get released to the public...but that will most likely be a few months at least after the release of 1.0

It will be interesting to see how the admin scripts will be processed but something like this might be your solution. Regardless.... I think you will need to hold off on these kinds of features until we know for sure just how "moddable" the Server Admin Tools are.

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