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Peter Gibbons

"Mission DayZ read from bank." Spam

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Just got issued an instance ID, followed the instructions to a T. As soon as a person connects I get this spamming the server log window,

16:25:06 Mission DayZ read from bank.
16:25:06 Mission DayZ read from bank.
16:25:06 Mission DayZ read from bank.
16:25:06 Mission DayZ read from bank.
16:25:07 Mission DayZ read from bank.
16:25:07 Mission DayZ read from bank.
16:25:07 Mission DayZ read from bank.
16:25:07 Mission DayZ read from bank.
16:25:07 Mission DayZ read from bank.
16:25:07 Mission DayZ read from bank.
16:25:07 Mission DayZ read from bank.

It spams the server log until someone disconnects. When someone joins all they see is "Wait for host" and a black screen. Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?

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Have you got the correct mission file set at the end of your server.cfg?

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Copy your arma 2 directory contents and your oa directory contents into one folder. It's doing that because it's not loading all the assets.

I assume you're using the steam version? This happened to me as well.

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Have you got the correct mission file set at the end of your server.cfg?

Yes' date=' quadruple checked.

Copy your arma 2 directory contents and your oa directory contents into one folder. It's doing that because it's not loading all the assets.

I assume you're using the steam version? This happened to me as well.

Using the Amazon version actually. I combined the folders, no dice :(.

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Have you got all the items in your @dayz i was missing viechles when i got that error

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look at the RPT log file, there are some hints.

I lost 1 day with this error because I forgot the minus (-) in front of mod=...

The server started without a notice!

Your problem here is that the server can't find the files in @dayz folder, or other pbo files.

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Not seeing anything in the RPT that gives any clues as to what it could be.

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I am getting this same problem. Any idea's how to fix. I have tried all on this post?

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@Black Flash - got any english links to those same files?

The file provided in the email will not install, just gives error and stops before it can even start.

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top link of the x64 works and i am now loaded into my server fully! Thanks.

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