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Driving Tips for .60

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Yes vehicles are buggy and there are issues with persistence.  This is the time to learn to drive in DayZ.  I am sure most of you are pretty good at it by now BUT some of you aren't so here we go.

First some general tips that apply to all vehicles then some more specific tips for the V3S and the Transit Bus.

1. Always drive on pristine tires when you can, the better tires you have the better traction you get

2.  For all vehicles carry a lug wrench and a tire repair kit at a minimum

3. Whenever you stop and you happen to find a fuel can, refuel at that time.  Keep the tank topped off.

4.  NEVER, EVER drive in Mute, you need to hear the engine to know when to shift.  Get to know what neutral on the vehicle you prefer sounds like so you know when you are in it.

5.  "E" is NOT forward, it is up shifting to higher gears (1-3), if "E" were forward these vehicles would be automatic, they aren't, none of them are.  Also Q is NOT reverse, it is downshifting.  The reverse gear is one Q downshifting from Neutral.

6.  If you loose momentum going uphill hit S to stop rolling backwards, down shift to neutral and start again in 1st gear (or, 1 E shift up from Neutral)  Then, serpentine up the hill, (make little "s" turns) listen to the engine, you'll know when to shift.

7.  Hitting pretty much anything will damage and may even ruin your tires and battery.  You can use a wrench to get better quality parts for the Hatchback and the sedan by cannibalizing other vehicles you come across.  It has been my experience that a pristine or worn hood offers some protection to a battery in case of a collision.

8.  If a zed has agroed on your vehicle and CONTINUES to act agitated, kill that zed.  Otherwise, once you get in, start up and begin to move the vehicle could flip on the zed

9.  When removing tires, stand back, some vehicles will pop and turn you into a bloody patch on the ground when they kill you by scrapping over your lifeless body (lost and UMP and a fully decked out smersh vest to this on a bus)

10.  Shift+w will give you a boost in speed.  Just try not to use it too much since it does seem to eat fuel much quicker.


The V3S

1. You don't need a glow plug but you do need a truck battery.

2.  Find and store the following in your truck, a tire repair kit, lug wrench and a crow bar.  The crow bar can be used to pull apart duel wheels if you need a front tire in a pinch.

3. If you only have two dual wheels available put them on the furthest back axle from the cab. 

4.  You can drive a V3S with only one tire in the front and a pair of duels wheels in the back but don't expect to go very fast

5.  I have not found a way to put duel wheels back together again after separating them, if anyone does please advise, then we could tear them apart, fix them individually and put them back together again.

6.  Tire states matter but not as much as they do on the Sedan and the Hatchback.  If you wreck though, double check the tires, especially if you start sliding as if you were on ice.


The Transit Bus

1.  You need a glow plug and a truck battery to get this bad boy working.

2.  If possible, hit railroad crossings at full speed.  You may bounce across these damn things and keep going otherwise it's very, very likely you'll high center the bus on the crossing and get stuck.  There is a chance that even if you hit it at full speed the rear of the bus can get hung up and you'll still be stuck.

3.  Again, Tire states matter but not as much as they do on the Sedan and the Hatchback.

4.  She's awful slow to get moving but, well to quote General Buck Turdgison from Dr. Strangelove "If the pilot's good, see, I mean if he's reeeally sharp, he can barrel that baby in so low... oh you oughta see it sometime. It's a sight. A big plane like a '52... varrrooom! Its jet exhaust... frying chickens in the barnyard!"

Edited by barnabus
Added Shift+w, (don't know how I forgot that)
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You forgot to mention that prayer, voodoo, and healing crystals are useful at all stages of vehicle maintenance and operation, to ward off the bad spirits.

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6 hours ago, Funkmaster Rick said:

You forgot to mention that prayer, voodoo, and healing crystals are useful at all stages of vehicle maintenance and operation, to ward off the bad spirits.

No shit I have run over, at full speed, sticks in the road that some one dropped vic the main MSR in Balota.  I did a front to back 360 in a hatchback and flew straight up about 30' in the air.  Ruined my hood, driverside door, all four tires, the battery and the spark plug, headlights and passenger door were still pristine though.  When I did get all that fixed the car would not start.   There are some mysteries still that's for sure.


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1 hour ago, barnabus said:

No shit I have run over, at full speed, sticks in the road that some one dropped vic the main MSR in Balota.  I did a front to back 360 in a hatchback and flew straight up about 30' in the air.  Ruined my hood, driverside door, all four tires, the battery and the spark plug, headlights and passenger door were still pristine though.  When I did get all that fixed the car would not start.   There are some mysteries still that's for sure.


In earlier patches you could damage the gas tank (losing all gas) and the car would not start, server restarts usually fixed it. Not sure if this is still the case in 0.60, never drove any vehicle in the latest patch.

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It is possible to "total" a vehicle if it takes too much cumulative damage.  You can tell, because the entire body takes on a dark tinge and you no longer get the option to get into it.  As nl said above, gas tank punctures are also a common possibility.  And on a few other occasions I have seen vehicles that were carefully driven, but driven quite a lot, get "worn out" to the point that the clutch seemed to have failed.  You can still accelerate, break, shift, but very little, to no power makes it to the wheels.

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2 hours ago, emuthreat said:

the entire body takes on a dark tinge and you no longer get the option to get into it

The tinge is because of the dark spirits haunting it.

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