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How Low Can You Go? (Lowest Blood Pictures)

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How low has your blood gone? Post pictures and stories!

I was in the tents at Stary and had gotten smacked by a zombie before heading north away from the city. I guess the zombie had snagged my neck because I was leaking blood like a faucet and before I knew it I was at 200 blood.

I went to my gear, realized there was no bandage, grabbed one from my pack and started wrapping.... 160... 120... 100... 70... 60... 20... 13...8...

until it settled on: 1.88989

Thankfully I was able to get out of the city and eventually headed south looking for an animal to kill... Instead I found a crashed heli and looted an m249 off it. Somehow I snuck by all the zombies and nearly died twice from fainting.

Then the next time I logged in I was in the debug wilderness!

Thankfully this game burns memories into your head, so I don't care that I lost all my loot.


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I would like to challenge anybody to beat that. Legitimately.

You, sir, need a medal for your badassery.

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I would like to challenge anybody to beat that. Legitimately.

You' date=' sir, need a medal for your badassery.


challenge accepted...and here are my screen...a long time ago and it was a fucking dark night ^^


cant tell a story only thing i know...there was too many zombies and i was so damn lucky to get my ass out alive

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Sorry, jesquik. Your badassery has been revoked.

Kalian's the winner of this contest so far.

I actually didn't think it was possible to get below 1 blood. Kudos. I... think.

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I would like to challenge anybody to beat that. Legitimately.

You' date=' sir, need a medal for your badassery.


challenge accepted...and here are my screen...a long time ago and it was a fucking dark night ^^


cant tell a story only thing i know...there was too many zombies and i was so damn lucky to get my ass out alive

Haha! That is fantastic! This is exactly what I wanted to see when I posted this. Nobody gets the medal until this has been going for a while!

I wish you had a story to share, but the screen tells a story all it's own ;)

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Disappointed lol.

It's supposed to start out with one guy going "maaan I got down to 400 blood the other day"

Then someone else goes "nahh I got down to 150 bro."

and so on.

Two posts in and we're counting decimal places lol.

But good job anyway, quite impressive.

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I went down to 156.something once, a zombie broke my legs near Balota and was eating me, I got concious just in time to shoot him and bandage myself, was bleeding like a faucet, lost 80-120 blood with each drop so it was pretty close.

The story continues by me crawling all the way over to Cherno (during the night), surviving against dehydration by making it to the store and falling unconcious close to zeds...only to die from crawling through a doorway in a building on my way towards the hospitals :(

No screenshots unfortunately, can't be bothered to launch the game via steam so taking screenshots is kind of a pain.

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Disappointed lol.

It's supposed to start out with one guy going "maaan I got down to 400 blood the other day"

Then someone else goes "nahh I got down to 150 bro."

and so on.

Two posts in and we're counting decimal places lol.

But good job anyway, quite impressive.

Good point. Next time I do something like this and think I have some pretty impressive numbers I will let people post for a while first... I just thought that people wouldn't be interested in the topic if I didn't post a good picture :)

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damn thats low. I got to about 100 after being shot in the back a bunch. I bandaged myself then waited for him, nearly cutting him in half full auto AK lol.

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