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Chucking flares for no apparant reason

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Hi guys, I'm pretty new to this game, so perhaps I'm just missing something obvious. Several times now when I loot a dead survivor and i have road flares anywhere in my inventory my character will stand up (after the looting is complete) and just chuck a flare without any input from me at all.

This has gotten me into tight spots a few times now, and I just want to know if it is a bug or something that I am causing to happen inadvertently. I loot the dead body, and when I close the loot screen, my character stands up, pulls out a road flare, and throws it. I havent found a way to interrupt the throw.

Does anyone have any idea what is going on with this? I'm a noob and I admit that outright, but I cannot for the life of me figure out why my characters keep doing this.

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If you're unarmed, you automatically choses the throw road flare as main weapon mode and whenever you press fire, you throw one. I think you can interupt it by chaning weapon mode(F), but it requires you to have another weapon.

You might want to use enter, whenever you activate the mouse/action menu and disable left mouse button for the option "use selected option".

Dunno if it helps you.

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drop the flares :) or simply press F and cycle through.

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You won't need the flares at this point in the game, drop them and consider yourself safe. I haven't found a good enough reason to use them yet, especially during early stages of the game.

I did the same thing, once was enough to know exactly what these are for.... Night-time helicopter raids and bait.

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Ya 'f' to change the throw mode of flares is the solution. I always keep some flares on me. One of the things on my things-to-do-before-I-die-without-dying-doing-it list is to find a lone survivor carefully sneaking through a zombie infested area and chuck a flare directly at him when zombies are near him.

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Smoke works better, zombies rush towards smokes and attack it.

Zombies just slowly stagger towards flares, broken bottles and throw cans.

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Ya but flares have a farther throw range and more of an o-shit response from other players :>

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wheel button also works for the scroll menu selection = no more accidental fires / flares / whatnots

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I think you may have left clicked when selecting to 'take' gear from a Z. Avoid doing this, best thing to do is open up the 'gear' menu and then move the items across to your pack, then close the gear interface. If you are wanting to close your action menu, use the right mouse button.

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Thank you all very much for the responses :-) I really appreciate the input.

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