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New sound engine question

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Hi. I have two questions in regards to the new sound engine and I was wondering if anyone could help. 

Question 1:  I was wondering if with the implementation of the new sound engine, are the ambient noises like the fence and bird chirping going to go away? The fence one is really the one that gets me. 

Question 2: I play this game on 5.1 surround sound, and when i run around in first person the breathing overwhelmingly comes through my center speaker, it's a horrible distraction and it's one of the main reasons i dont primarily play on 1st person only servers. Is this going to change?

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Those are good questions that I'm asking myself. Would be great to have an official reply on this, but I doubt it, and I think we'll need to experience it ourselves in experimental.

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6 hours ago, Influence_X said:

Hi. I have two questions in regards to the new sound engine and I was wondering if anyone could help. 

Question 1:  I was wondering if with the implementation of the new sound engine, are the ambient noises like the fence and bird chirping going to go away? The fence one is really the one that gets me. 

Question 2: I play this game on 5.1 surround sound, and when i run around in first person the breathing overwhelmingly comes through my center speaker, it's a horrible distraction and it's one of the main reasons i dont primarily play on 1st person only servers. Is this going to change?

Question 2 I can't answer. 

Question 1. The answer is no. As per Hicks interview and the status reports. With the initial implementation of the sound systems. The only affected sound will be weapon sounds. Currently they are reworking about 10 different guns or so.

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