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The Big BOOM. Post your best Bombing photos in DayZ

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Ok DayZ lovers. Let's see those pictures / videos of your best DayZ explosions or aftemath of explosions during DayZ gameplay. 

The first picture / video combo is from an RP event recently on a HARDCORE RP SERVER. Between the Bomb and Sniping there group of 4 attackers killed over 20 players in a "Bloody Sunday" event. The video is below the picture if you want to view it in video. 


The second explosion aftermath is known as the "Great Potato Mashing" in DayZ circles. 13 kills in the initial explosion, then a few more via gun fight by a single bomber. This bombing attacked a bandit / kos group on the server that was trying to recruit members for their dasterdly deeds.


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for the 15 that got taken out by 1 grenade:

this is where you'll belong too for the rest of your lives


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